Captain Ron J. MacReady

Hyrule Warriors seems like it would be unwieldy without the extra stick of the N3DS. I tried to play the demo of Monster Hunter 4 on my regular 3DS and it tied my hands up in crampy knots. But I'm a 6-foot-2 grown adult with massive man-hands so I don't think the designed they 3DS with me in mind anyway.

Yeah, we're actually switching from 18mbps AT&T U-Verse to 100mbps Comcast internet this weekend. Should help with both the online gaming and streaming—we never seemed to be able to get both 1080p and 5.1 sound on Netflix before. AT&T has been blowing smoke that they're going to upgrade their network in our

Methinks the Witcher 3 will fill SEVERAL weekends.

I'd like to hit the wayback machine and go see Seven in the theater. At the time I think I skipped it because my trying-too-hard-to-be-cool snobbish 17-year-old brain thought Brad Pitt was a monolithic douchenozzle. Of course, I finally saw it on DVD after falling in love with Fight Club, and I think Seven is actually

When I did the LeMans race (time compressed to 2 hours though), I rear-ended another car near the beginning of the race, and then when it was nighttime, my headlights didn't work! And pitting in didn't fix it. Had to just follow the racing line.

I think there's a happy medium. On the other end of the spectrum there's Forza Horizon 2 that I've sunk 50 hours into and still can't afford the most expensive cars.

I'd like to know if the 3DS version of Hyrule Warriors that news leaked of this week is going to require the New 3DS. Because if so, dammit, I'm going to have to buy one.

I still think it's a great game, but my P-Cars playing has tapered off in favor of the Witcher 3 and now Elder Scrolls Online. While I was intrigued by the idea of everything being unlocked from the start, I think in a way it works against the game as I'm finding the career to be a bit grind-y with no reward. I guess

I have immersed myself in the world of Tamriel with Elder Scrolls Online on Xbox One. Larg Garbin, my level 7 Nord Dragonknight, has been crushing his enemies and hearing the lamentations of their women.

I'm a big fan of the commentaries done in character, like Spinal Tap and Tropic Thunder.

I think I passed then! It's one of my favorite westerns of all-time now.

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain was the first game in the series, and it came out in 1996.

My best 1995 gaming memory: seeing a Playstation demo kiosk at the mall (Babbage's maybe?) that was running WipeOut, being completely blown away and begging for a PSX for Christmas, to no avail.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Didn't come out until 1999 though.

Truly the passing of an icon. I'm not sure of the actual quote, but someone once said he could turn "schlock into Shakespeare." the man elevated anything he was in.

You're not alone. I like having a movie collection to be able to share it with friends. With the disappearance of video stores, I feel it's my duty as a film fan to loan out my copy of, say, Suspiria to as many people as I can to turn them on something cool they may never have heard of. After all, had not that dude at

This is true! But it hasn't stopped me from collecting discs. I've got tons of recent movies that I put into my "I'd love to watch that again" file that I haven't gotten back to and may never.

Man, the stuff they put out during their heyday—the Hammer Horror, Fulci, Argento, Bava, Verhoeven and spaghetti westerns sets to name a few—are what cemented my DVD collector mania more so than Criterion even could.

Full disclosure: I don't actually own Big Momma's House on DVD, it was just the first universally-viewed-as-awful movie that popped into my head.

This is the main reason why I stick with physical media, for lossless sound. And lot of the newer streaming devices don't really give a shit about sound options. I bought one of those Roku streaming sticks for my wife and unless you plug it directly into your receiver's hdmi, you're kinda screwed for surround sound.