Captain Ron J. MacReady

I haven't seen It Follows yet, but The Guest is one of the best Carpenter homages I've seen from the new school.

Just about every bit of the packaging for Ween's "Chocolate and Cheese" is atrocious, but I guess that was kind of the point.

I get a mild bit of anxiety when I start a game as massive as The Witcher 3 because I'm unsure if I'll ever finish it. I have precious few gaming hours a week, let's say 12 on average, so a 100 hour game could easily take me two months. But usually within a month there's ANOTHER game I really want to play that comes

Yes, he's due for a Liam Neeson-esque career renaissance as an asskicker!

I think the point is lamenting the loss of singular filmmaking voices to the blockbuster, film-by-commitee machine.

James Wan. He's graduated from tiny-budgeted but hugely successful horror flicks (Saw, Insidious, The Conjuring) to directing the #4 all-time worldwide box office hit, Furious 7.

I'm about halfway through the series of The Almighty Johnsons, which is all on Netflix now. Highly recommended for sci-fi/fantasy fans and lovers of cheeky kiwi humor.

Strangely, even though Xbox One had the feature first, it works way smoother on the PS4.

I picked up The Witcher III for Xbox One because my hard drive space is scarce on my PS4. Not sure if that was the best idea. Apparently I've encountered a pretty common bug that bricks your saves if you use the XB1's suspend/resume feature. So I'm shelving the game until some patches are released for it.

Ha, I haven't seen Wages of Fear but have always meant to (I think it's on Hulu so I should get around to it). I thought Sorcerer was brilliant, and on par with The Exorcist and French Connection. The story goes that it bombed because it opened the same week as a little movie called Star Wars…

Remember El Vez?

On the flip side of this question, there are some movies that are not hopelessly dated that give them a timeless quality. Consider the original Halloween, other than the cars, some hairstyles, clothes and a BÖC song on the radio, nothing about it screams 1978. That's why kids can watch it today and still get scared.

I'm on the fence about trying to finish it myself, especially with The Witcher III hitting next week.

I saw Friedkin's Sorcerer for the first time about a month ago, and I was completely blown away by Tangerine Dream's score in that. I read that they wrote it without even seeing the film, which is insane to me because it fits so well.

Good to know others find Southland Tales infinitely fascinating and watchable. I also have it to thank for getting me into Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

Sometimes I lament the fact that I was one of the few who owned a Turbografx-CD. Back then in the dawn of voice acting in games, there was some half-assedly translated dialogue that rivals "All your base" for ridiculousness. Last Alert was a primary offender.

I've always had the pipe dream of opening a barcade / rock 'n' roll dive here in my hometown of Jackson, MS. I would call it Action Jackson's. Carl Weathers could probably sue me, or if Arrested Development is any indication, more likely I could get him to be in a commercial.

I played maybe half of DAII on a Gamefly rental not long after it came out. I have a problem with RPGs holding my interest for their usually long duration, I suppose.

I wish I lived in a big enough city where barcades were a thing. You're lucky to find a beat up old Galaga around here in central Mississippi. Lame-ass Golden Tee is plentiful though. I'd give my right arm to find some classic pinball tables too.