Captain Ron J. MacReady

Yeah, I know what you mean, I actually got back into keeping up with baseball after playing MLB: The Show a lot. I haven't watched much auto racing—here in the South if it ain't NASCAR it ain't on the tube, pal. I have been itching to watch the movie Rush again though.

Man, I'm loving P-CARS so far too. They managed to make realistic kart racing fun which even Gran Turismo couldn't do. What blows my mind is how different every car handles. I'm a racing game nut, and I've sunk tons of hours into the Forzas, Driveclub and Gran Turismos. This is the only one that truly feels like a


Well, Project CARS hit my doorstep on Tuesday, and despite its awful moniker that makes it sound like homework, I think I have a new obsession. Man, this game is good. The array of options is incredible. What I like about it most though is, despite its disappointingly sparse car roster (or maybe because of it?), every

Many signs point to that game being cancelled not because of its controversy, but because it was a steaming turd.

Poking around the internet, I see that a Dirty Harry game was planned for the PS3 in 2007. I'd like to play that game, but through a 2015 lens that might be a problematic sell…

I think The Doors' "Ship of Fools"(released Feb. 1970) would fit, if it ends up being a tragic finale.

I have this on DVD, might have to revisit it. I think this is one of those movies that if an original "director's cut" was unearthed or reassembled (think Nightbreed,) it would be fascinating if not a better film.

After further consideration, I think "Fine Ham Abounds" may be my all-time favorite.

Alouette, gentille alouette,
Alouette, je te plumerai.

I came for that damn salty ham, and I was not disappointed. The lack of the pear dream is a major oversight though.

Was Jules there?

No kids here, but the aside about the "How did you beat this boss?" discussions hits home. When The Legend of Zelda came out, at my elementary school we had a veritable playground think tank. We'd convene at recess, compare notes and unlock the game's secrets together. I was the toast of the 5th grade when I figured

I genuinely enjoy video game music, but I've never been one to seek out soundtracks. The same goes for movies. If I'm listening to music it's usually rock 'n' roll.

A Mormon and a party dude… talk about your opposing viewpoints.

Any of the stars of TV's overly serious procedurals—Sinise, Petersen, Caruso, Waterson, Harmon, etc.—could go full Neilsen and it'd be hilarious.

But, but, I was dressed as WCW's Sting!

This made we wonder to myself what Alex Proyas is up to these days. So then I read Gods of Egypt's IMDB page. That one looks like it will fall flatly on either the side or awesome or awful, no in-between.