Captain Ron J. MacReady

Am I the only one whose brain mistakenly reads "Midol" instead of MyIdol?

For some reason I'm picturing a posh, fully-staffed resort on said island. Basically all the workers goof off most of the year except for when Cage comes to visit—like a Fantasy Island for just one dude.

I can't imagine what the upkeep on a whole goddamn island must be. I have enough goddamn trouble with the maintenance of my goddamn three bedroom house.

Gotta find something to spend all that sweet, sweet Amos & Andrew cheddar on.

Jumping Flash, Klonoa, Ape Escape… NONE MORE BLACK

The presence of Kathryn Hahn certainly suggests some tomfoolery and/or shenanigans.

It takes a Village?

Guess what? The hippin' and the hoppin' and the flippin' and the floppin'?

I downloaded the DLC and update and booted it up to find… ACK! My save where I unlocked everything was gone! I'm back at square one on the Grand Prix. I'm not sure what happened.

I have a freshly mowed lawn, would you kindly remove yourself from it…

That happens to me every time I hear someone utter the phrase now. Funky music, Sudeikis dancin' in a track suit, the whole nine.

I, for one, would be incredibly psyched to see the Lord/Miller duo's animated take on PETER PORKER, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-HAM!

Preferred slang for Waffle House hash browns all the way (according to me and my friends): hobo turd.

This is pretty much how MLB: The Show announced its jump to the PS4—with painstaking renders of players' horrifyingly unkempt yet iconic beards.

I think I have that. I just had to step away from BB for a while because I had cleared a good bit of the stage out before one of those mofos one-hit killed me. I may have missed something but I couldn't seem to find any shortcuts or lamps on that stage.

I'm wondering if the krypt has some secrets (sekrets?) no one has discovered yet, like the chests that disappear/reappear according to the in-game clock.

I'm totally enthralled with Mortal Kombat X, so all the other games I've been playing are now sucking hind tit. Beat the story mode last night, now it's time to grind to unlock everything in the Krypt.

So far I'm not finding a ton of reasons to justify upgrading to MLB 15. It's mostly the same game as 14 with some (admittedly nice) graphical tweaks and a card collecting mode I don't really care about.

Morrowind on Xbox is mostly to blame for my less-than-stellar GPA in grad school. Beer is also culpable.