Captain Ron J. MacReady

I for one, think it is past time Dick Poop was recognized. He's been snubbed for too long for his amazing cinematography on films like:

Hi-yo Silver, ay-wayyyyyy!


I bought Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet and Def Leppard's Hysteria on cassette. the year was 1987, the store was Tape World at the mall, and the money was my first real allowance at the tender age of 9.

I had gotten to the last chapter of Assassin's Creed: Unity, but wanted a break from the throat slashing, so I popped in Forza Horizon 2 for the first time. I haven't been able to put it down since. Arno is wondering when I will return to conclude his exploits…

This is my dad's favorite movie, so I have seen it several times. The limerick from it is great:

It ruffled too many feathers.

Ant Rap! In the naughty North and the sexy South…

And they'll have teaser trailers to announce the trailers for the release dates.

Coming 2018: Urban Open Space of the Apes
Coming 2020: Cul-de-sac of the Apes

I was particularly fond of "Goddammit Log in to PSN!!!" over Christmas break.

In your underwear, with Mountain Dew breath and Cheeto-stained fingers?

But he got a Master's Degree.

What if you fart in it?

Note to self: I really need to play my PS4 copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition so I can join in on some of the conversation here.

It ain't got nothing on Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. That game's sidequests had sidequests. It's like it was designed by Xzibit.

When I got burglarized, my usually vicious guard dog who always acted like she wanted to devour the mail lady was found cowering under the bed.

Thieves suck balls! I found from personal experience that a good gaming console theft deterrent is having all your cords tangled into a rat's nest behind your TV. When I got burglarized eons ago, I came home to find my PS2 and Xbox lying on the living room floor, like they tried to steal them but when they saw

Regarden PvZ2, it took a while but it started to grow on me.

Since I'll be at my folks' house Christmas Day, I'll have the Vita along for the ride, and will be playing The Binding of Isaac and The Pinball Arcade unless someone decided to pick up Freedom Wars off my Amazon wish list.