Captain Ron J. MacReady

I had some good fun with Mordor, but in the end it seemed more like a highly polished proof of concept for the excellent Nemesis system than a fully-formed game.

I think they're all pretty great, but Pin*Bot with PS4's lighting effects should be rockin'.

It's bad, but Assassin's Creed: Unity takes the cake. That game actually has notifications that pop up and cover important notifications that were already on your screen. It's like Ubisoft side-mission porn spam.

You know, I think The Pinball Arcade could be my game of the year every year as long as they keep releasing new tables. The Season 2 pack for PS4 should be arriving in the store today. I'm stoked.

I now present The Game That Shoulda Been My Game of the Year, but They Figured Out a Way to Hose It Up: The Crew.

Four of my top five favorites of the year—Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros., Titanfall, Alien:Isolation—are listed, so I won't go into them since I'd mostly be echoing what's already said.

I don't even have the game yet, but for best music my money's on Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. I loved the Captain Toad theme from Super Mario 3D World, it's up there for me with some of the classic Nintendo themes.

I love Driveclub, and I've had it since day one so I've suffered through its botched launch. It's the best-looking game on PS4 in my opinion, and it's even more amazing now that they've added the dynamic weather options via patch. It's just a good, pure racing game. No open world, no tuning, just pick a race and car

Just slather on a little Old Spice.

Right now I'm playing Ryse: Son of Rome, which I picked up cheap during a Black Friday sale. I'm kinda digging its dudebro take on ancient Rome, but I can see how folks who bought it as a launch game were disappointed in its length.

It warms my blackened heart to read this. I love the RE movies (well, Apocalypse is kinda a turd) in the same way I love '80s movies like Commando and Cobra. They never proffer to be more than what they are—fun, fast-paced action movies with an ass-kicking lead.

Fellow The Master-knocker here! Dour, unpleasant—dogshit is a good word. Boogie Nights is PTA's only movie I've watched more than once. I can say I did quite enjoy TWBB and Magnolia but I don't think I want to sit through them ever again.Punch-Drunk Love was merely OK, mostly because I think not even Christ himself

Lucky I guess? It took me several tries, and then I just happened to have a clear path and hauled ass. There are some vents you can use to navigate around some of the more exposed corridors too. And again, I was playing on easy. Sometimes if you just stop dead in your tracks you can be in the alien's line of sight and

I finished—or is it survived?—Alien: Isolation last night. Jeez it was freakin' tough even on easy. I can't imagine how controller-smashingly frustrating it would be on hard.

I'd fork over the dough for an HD version of the Wii Punch-Out! too.

I finished the story on Shadow of Mordor and then abandoned finishing the side quests after I realized they all pretty much had you doing the same thing.

I mentioned on the Smash thread that I'll be holed up in a cabin this weekend with the family with only my 3DS and Vita to, um, console me. Meanwhile a stack of games I've bought for PS4 and XB1 will haunt my tryptophan-induced dreams.

I'll be holed up in a cabin with the family in rural Mississippi for the holiday weekend, far from my game cave. Luckily I'll have my 3DS and Vita. So I'll probably play some Super Smash Bros. and Mario Tennis Open (which I got for $12 on clearance at Best Buy and haven't played much yet.)

The Super Mario Galaxy stage makes my heart yearn for a new Wii U installment, or even an HD remaster of the two Wii games.

Judas Priest's "Grinder" for, well, Grindr.