Captain Ron J. MacReady

Red Lights—a lesser-known flick that I bought on blu-ray for $1 at Dollar Tree knowing next to nothing about.

*To the tune of Adult Swim's "Too Many Cooks"*

I hope I didn't miss picking up the stun prod—it seems like you could easily miss important pickups if you're not being thorough. I just got to the medical sector in chapter 5. This game reminds me of old school PC adventures in that it doesn't really hold your hand.

Welcome to the Plus club! If you own a Vita, Plus is invaluable. I haven't actually bought a Vita game in a long time except for Tearaway because Plus has given away such good stuff.

I've got Super Smash Bros. for Wii U arriving in the mail today, so I'm sure I'll be playing it some this weekend. With fighting games I tend to feverishly unlock all the stuff and then they collect dust until I have friends over. I hope Smash has a more compelling single player mode than the 3DS version.

I've got my gaming systems hooked up to my Onkyo 5.1 system for maximum awesomeness. I also have a set of Playstation Pulse Elite headphones so the awesomeness won't drown out my wife's Netflixin'.

I think with E.T. Atari proved they were just kinda incompetent.

Like a lot of gaming outrages, it's much ado about nothing.

Martin Scorsese
Ridley Scott
Werner Herzog
Sidney Lumet
William Friedkin
….oh and, duh, Alfred Hitchcock.

Cowboy's Creed IV: Rebel Flag
Ungarthed 2: Among Varmints
Garths of War
Perfect Garth Zero
Lasso: Reach

I think that after the death of Dimebag Darrell there should be a blanket "stay the fuck off the stage" rule for all rock shows, punk included…

Haven't played online competitive, but have been screwing around with the bots in local play to familiarize myself with the maps and weapons. Even still, I've never been very competitive in any of the CoD games but I have fun playing them. I'm much better at the slower-paced BF4.

Noticing the lack of mention in the comments, it must be as lame as liking Nickelback to be playing the new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, but that's what I've been doing since Monday, and will until I finish the campaign this weekend.

How many women go to his movies just to see him shitless?

Where's the link? *cries*

The Usual Suspects 2: Keyzer Falls
There Was Some Blood
Kindergarten of the Christ

Hmm, to me that was always the allure of the Civ games, is that you could play them on your shitty out-of-the-box PC and not have to have some cobbled-together expensive video card and RAM-stuffed monstrosity.

Not sure if this is mentioned in the comments already, but I'd like to assume the show intended the very meta joke of Billy Bob Thornton guest starring—because no one can understand why a woman like Penny is dating Leonard, much like the general consensus was when BBT was married to Angelina Jolie.

I used to play the hell out of all the Civ games, but I never got around to playing V. I still play IV occasionally. Do you need a capable rig to run V? Or will your average laptop cut it?

When I was five years old, my dad won a contest at the local department store, which was to get to meet Mickey Mantle. He was nothing short of my dad's hero. At the time I had no idea why I was getting my picture taken with a stranger and why my dad had a baseball he signed locked down like Fort Knox in his bookcase.