Captain Ron J. MacReady

Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis wish to have some words with you.

Yeah, hearing SWoD in the correct order is a revelatory experience if you're only familiar with the US version. As a huge fan of "album rock," I think the sequencing is perfect.

I'm not sure incongruous is really the right word, but I've always appreciated the balls it took for Built to Spill to kick off 2006's You in Reverse with a nearly 9-minute rocker ("Goin' Against Your Mind"), that's not only the best song on the album but one of their best tracks period. Most bands would probably have

That's what I always thought…

Judas Priest nerd time:

All these comments and no mention yet that Anton Maiden did this same kind of thing 15 years ago? Turn in your internet nerd cards!

Nope, but I've only massacred about 10 of them, I haven't been playing much lately.

I know I'm human. And if you were all Kevin Spacey, then you'd just attack me right now, so some of you are still human. Kevin Spacey doesn't want to show himself, he wants to hide inside an imitation. He'll fight if he has to, but he's vulnerable out in the open. If he takes us over, then he has no more enemies,

Eons from now, when Earth and all its life have been snuffed out by the inevitable ravages of time, and extraterrestrials discover our planet and attempt to make sense of it, their archaeologists will discover some 35,000 sites across the world stocked with pristine-looking buns, cheese slices and hamburger patties.

Perhaps he'd seen the first two, and the anguish of not knowing Neo's ultimate fate forced him into a life of crime. The jewelry, Dew and peanut butter were just collateral damage.

Sounds like kids, especially with the vandalism. When I got burglarized about nine years ago, they tried to take my Xbox and PS2, yanked them off my shelf but gave up because the cords were a tangled mess. They made off with some jewelry, drank a Mountain Dew, stuck their fingers in my peanut butter and stole The

Ditto on the BÖC, but I'm pretty sure they're just an oldies circuit band now. Eric Bloom and Buck Dharma are the only remaining original guys—Allen Lanier died in 2013. They've got a killer backing band of session musicians though. Richie Castellano is a phenomenal guitarist, but he's still second banana to Buck, who

Of all the phases I've been through with music since I got into rock 'n' roll in the fifth grade—different genres, bands, etc.—I will always dutifully buy any new Judas Priest or Iron Maiden album.

Hmmm, I'm playing Driveclub but I already joined a club with some buddies from the blu-ray.com boards, and we just made it to club level 13. Perhaps the Gameological club can become our arch nemesis?

PS4s must get decent $$$ at the pawn shop. A colleague's son who is in college was burglarized and all they took was his and his roommates PS4s and laptops. They both had PS3s too.

I have a PS4, PS3, Wii U, 3DS and Vita—I have a low-end PC too that can barely run Bioshock, but that doesn't really count. So I always buy my games for PS4/Vita, and stick to the exclusives on the U and 3DS.

An indian burn's got nothin' on an alien burn.

No lobster boy and bearded lady outcry about this show as well?

"Head Bozo"?

For some reason I picture these statements were made at a formal press conference, with Kohlburger smartly dressed in a suit and tie replete with squirting lapel flower, and in full clown makeup.