Captain Ron J. MacReady

Got Driveclub this week, and I love it so far, online server issues notwithstanding. It hasn't gotten very good reviews, but most of the criticism seem to stem from the fact that it's an old school racer and not an open world sandbox. After logging countless hours in NFS: Rivals and NFS: Most Wanted, I enjoy the

I was sure we'd eventually get a sequel to DmC. But I read a story yesterday that quoted a Capcom producer as saying that anything that sold under 2 million copies was on the chopping block. That includes DmC, Dragon's Dogma and even Street Fighter X Tekken… which has me wondering maybe that's why there's been no word

The downloadable Burnout Crash was a lot of fun. Even if it was basically a top down version of Angry Birds.

Lords of Shadow is in my top 5 for the PS3. A beautiful game with one of the best orchestral scores ever. My second playthrough I played using those Pulse Elite headphones and it was magical.

It's being ported to PS4. If it's as pretty as the PS4 redux of Flower we're in for a treat.

Guerilla's pass-the-controller multiplayer mode where you blow shit up for points and then the other player has to outdo or match your score is fantastic and hilarious. My gaming buddy and I had many a beer-fueled good time with it.

Yeah, I really need to get a copy. I played it on Gamefly, and I thought it would eventually show up as a PS+ freebie. No dice yet.

The first Condemned wasn't on PS3, so I never got to play it since I didn't have a 360 or gaming-ready PC. I've considered picking up a 360 on the cheap to play some of their exclusives I missed out on, but that would require time to actually play them that's eaten up by my current-gen gaming. Perhaps, when I'm

Yes! I was going to put it on my list but for some reason I thought they had announced a sequel. But apparently the same team is just working on a new IP.

Here's some of my faves from the PS3 era that, for whatever reason, be it poor sales or general weirdness, will probably never see a sequel:

I'm a big fan of the Motorstorm series so I have faith in Evolution Studios.

Somebody's gotta keep him from working at the 7-11.

Save me Jeebus, the full-on fall gaming deluge has officially begun…

Olympus Be Trippin'

Forgetting the obvious blockbusters, I'd like to see them tackle the film versions of The Name of the Rose, The Razor's Edge, Breakfast of Champions, Bonfire of the Vanities and Portnoy's Complaint, all flawed but interesting efforts that failed to capture the brilliance of their source material.

The TV series was much closer to King's intent with Anthony Michael Hall in the lead role, but I love Walken in the film version.

*Obligatory comment about one of my favorite movies being UNAVAILABLE on blu-ray*

Cultures clash as Fausto and his portly bodyguard get into wacky hijinks while hiding out at a Norwegian ski resort.

I could deal with several spinoffs of this show:

BUCKWHEATS for all a yas Lost Boys!!!