Captain Ron J. MacReady

It's about time for a gritty The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill reboot.

Why is it most conspiracy theory websites are of a circa 1997 Geocities quality? The medium is the message, man.

isn't that what he said about Jack Reacher?

That reminds me—I preordered Destiny, so I'll be adding that to my queue next week!

Fibbage looks awesome, and Microsoft's current deal for a free game has me kinda wanting to pull the trigger on getting a One. But criminy, I barely have enough time to play my PS4/Vita/3DS, not to mention the backlog of PS+ PS3 games…

Summer 1986. I don't think up to that point in my life I had anticipated something as much as my 8-year-old self did the arrival of The Karate Kid Part II.

^This. With appearances from 'Mazing Man and Plastic Man! Or maybe a Justice League of Anarchy movie? *head explodes*

Think I missed the window. I'm a 3D nut, and GotG is still showing locally, but not in 3D anymore. I've got a 60" 3D TV and a pretty rad sound system at home, so I can certainly wait for the disc.

Hi, I'm part of the problem!

If that's the way you want it, baby.

God, as much as I adore Judas Priest, picking just one cringe-inducing lyric is a fool's errand.

There was a terrible Turbografx-16 game called JJ & Jeff. It was a very badly localized version of a game based on an obscure Japanese TV show.

Danny, Donald… they're both my kinda Glover.

But he was in The Hangover, white people's favorite movie!

Was Denzel too old, too expensive, or already in too many biopics?

Yo dawg…

Turns out The Simpsons was all an indigestion-fueled dream Tracey Ullman was having.

And it's not a quote, more of a recurring catchphrase, but the "Yesssssss???" guy makes me crack up every time.

Yaaarrr, that's Handsome Pete, he dances for nickels! (a memorable line and a visual gag)

Lionel Hutz: I watched Matlock in a bar the other night. The sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it.