Captain Ron J. MacReady

Mr. Burns: "I want you to show this woman the time of her life."

Unfortunately, the '90s comics I hoarded haven't appreciated as much. I'm still waiting for Marvel to greenlight a New Warriors movie….

It was probably around '94 that I got burnt out on collecting baseball cards and unloaded a lot of them. I traded my prized 1989 Upper Deck set to a friend who had a stack of his dad's silver age Marvel comics—some Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer, Daredevil, Spider-Man. The comics are probably worth collectively $1000

I'm still slowly making my way through The Last of Us: Remastered, hoping to finish it up before Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition hits next Tuesday. I've got a feeling that it will consume me for some time.

The first stand-up comedy I ever remember ever seeing was this clip of a young Williams at the Improv which I think was before Mork and Mindy.

Is it proper for one to raise their pinky whilst quaffing from a water bottle?

The studio insisting on a PG-13 was also a problem. Yes, let's bring together two film franchises whose previous entries have all been hard-R rated and tone down the violence. That certainly won't piss off the fans. (Although AvP: Requiem showed that a R-rating wasn't all the series needed to make it good).

Good point about Daniel's hissy at the paper. Being a former newspaper journalist, to me it seemed like a overreaction to being told a story didn't pass legal muster. It's not the 1970s anymore, Fry.

Girlfriend: Who is that cow I saw you with last night? I thought you said we were dating exclusively!

Other than Boogie Nights, I'd rather sit and watch a goofy Paul W.S. flick than a ponderous Paul Thomas film. There, I said it.

Yeah, my love of 3D gives PWSA a pass on a lot of things, because he's one of the few directors who shoots in native 3D and actually understands how to use the medium.

I think all his flicks are passable entertainment, with Event Horizon probably being the best. The biggest disappointment in his filmography to me is Alien vs. Predator, talk about squandered potential.

Roll call: who besides me actually likes Paul W.S. Anderson movies?

Maybe. Since he spent a pretty penny on the VCR he wouldn't let the kids mess with it because he assumed (probably rightly) that we would fuck it up. So all recording requests went through him and most were promptly denied for not being "tape worthy." By the point Brisco was on, I didn't even bother to ask anymore.

Being poor was. We had one VCR that was hooked up to the main TV in the living room, and we had rabbit ears instead of cable. My dad, great dad that he was, wouldn't have foregone his precious Friday night the-kids-are-out-of-the-house TV time just so I could record a show.

When Brisco came on TV, I was obsessed with the Evil Dead movies, and I was pissed that I hardly ever got to see it because I was in high school band and it came on Friday nights when I had to go to the football games.

As a fan of the first game and a PS4 owner, I only have one thing to say: boo-urns.

Ha, printing out porn! It sure made it easier when it took 10 minutes to load a low-res bitmap on AOL dialup. My mom always wondered why I was using so many color ink cartridges "for school."

007 373 5963 is forever seared into my brain, and I still can't fucking beat Mike Tyson.

I'm still miffed my two submitted flavors didn't make the cut, Souse and Dirty Bathwater.