Captain Ron J. MacReady

Zip zob zoobity bop! Y'see Ruuuuudy, the jello puddin' is delicious if ya just follow the directions! FLAZOOO!

Giving away his hair like that shows that Willie really was a kind bud.

Wait, so I'm guessing Willie probably didn't want to go anywhere near a sobriety party, so he sent some braids in his stead?

Yes, that's the exact reward system utilized at my workplace, in fact

A friend once posited that the Kiss song "Deuce" was about anal. "Deuce" being the number 2, which is also… well you get it.

We are nearing the day when everything will be spelled fucked up so it will Google easier.

Methinks Kanye's understanding of what living in the civil rights era was like is grossly myopic.

I envision "Now You're a Man" from Orgazmo being another track on the Dirk Diggler solo album.

Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a dildo of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind

Is the glass dildo half full or half empty?

My wife loves Bryan Adams, so I took her to see his "Bare Bones" tour when it came to town. I didn't realize what a ridiculous amount of hits he had. As far as schmaltzy power ballads go, this guy is Elvis.

Damnation, so this means we're not getting a John Carter 2?

"Night of the Livid Queers" by The Queers
"Rock 'n' Roll Problem" by The Fuckboyz

The first three Blue Oyster Cult albums are a goldmine of weird lyrics, here's one of my favorites, "Subhuman":

Damn I was about to post that obviously GBV was not considered or else they'd have taken all 10 spots, and was going to cite this song.

The core game is fun, if you've liked the previous games in the series. Those are the main criticisms—it's not much of an evolution of the series (sorry, "in 3D!" doesn't really count), and the amount of content is more like a downloadable title than a full retail game. Since I only paid $5 and some change for it, I'm

After a cursory glance at his filmography, I am surprised to realize that Nic Cage has never done a "space" movie. This must be REMEDIED. Is it because he's afraid of getting space helmet hair or something?

Anything involving the Muppets is always a mood brightener to me, especially the Great Muppet Caper… and special mention of Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas, even after watching it every holiday season for 30-odd years, always brings a smile to my face (and sometimes tears).

If you want weird, Tomodachi Life is a heaping helping of surreal. But it's a life simulator, which isn't most gamers' cup o' tea.