Captain Ron J. MacReady

I finished a Link Between Worlds, so now it's on to The Last of Us: Remastered. Damn it looks good. I can't seem to play it for long periods of time though because the combat is so intense. Anyone else have that problem or am I just a giant puss?

Clearly, they must be a group staffed by zombies. Notice none of these alleged "bad for you" meals contain brains.

Even though I'm not particularly a fan of the Austin Powers films, I inexplicably always hear my inner Fat Bastard bellow "GET IN MAH BELLY" when I see food porn like that.

I still haven't watched the Donner cut even though I've had the DVD boxed set since it came out.

I'd really like to see a Run the Series of Superman. Nolan > Burton > Schumacher is pretty much canon at this point, but opinions on the Supes flicks are much more varied (expect for The Quest for Peace being a ginormous turd, of course).

I dunno, could get messy, especially if there weren't enough mothers to go around.

Isn't it a bit nonsensical that an article that has "motherfucker" in the headline has to warn you that the video is NSFW? Seems to me by clicking on the headline you've already crossed over the "safe for work" threshold.

Off the interstate in Byram, Mississippi there's a small shop with a sign that says MOTENGATOR SMALL ENGINE REPAIR that makes me chuckle every time I drive by it.

Too bad "motengator", a slang term used largely obscurely by people of Creole descent around the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana and Mississippi, isn't better known, it could save Mr Jackson some time. It means "10,000 motherfuckers." http://slangwordsdictionary…

But if we keep film around how are we going to make everything ORANGE and TEAL more efficiently???

Also the Baltimore area's National Bohemian, aka "Natty Boh" is probably the shittiest regional beer I've ever had the displeasure of drinking. I could only bring myself to down 17 of them.

Arlo & Janis

Don't forget Griesedieck (pronounced GREASY DICK), a beer I always thought my dad was making up when he talked about growing up near St. Louis in the '40s.

Every time I ever drank it I had to take more than one shit the next day.

Isn't Project Pabst the bearded, bespectacled, scarf-wearing lesser-known member of the Three Six Mafia?

I think it's time for Nintendo to expand Mario Kart's roster to ALL Nintendo franchises a la Smash Bros.

I think Doug Marlette's Kudzu would make a cool movie. You'd need someone who could really nail the Southern absurdity, maybe the Coen brothers? And for casting I picture John C. Reilly as the Rev. Will B. Dunn (who was the real star of the strip anyway).

I bought this when it came out on DVD, watched it once, thought it was decent, barely remember it now. Haven't dusted it off since. Has it aged well?

And the joke is, when he awoke his, body was covered in coke fizz.

C'mon, six minute CGJ-David-Madsen alleyway fight scene!