Captain Ron J. MacReady

'Tis a travesty this is NOT ON BLU-RAY.

Just have it where the Necronomicon keeps sending him all throughout time battling Deadites in different eras. Caveman Ash! Future Ash! Pirate Ash! Samurai Ash! The possibilities are endless.

As a longtime fan of both Mario AND pop punk, this does justice to neither

As long as they keep the cut-rate BBC sfx. A Doctor Who episode with WETA-caliber sfx just wouldn't be Doctor Who.

Yes, since RDJ was a pillar of normalcy before Iron Man.

Came here to make the easy "Well he's certainly got the STRANGE part down, amirite?" joke, then realized O'Neal already blasted that fish out of the barrel in the article's last sentence.

There's a stutter roll before the solo in Dirty Deeds, but I still haven't been able to find a full buzz roll. In other words, I don't have the answer to this question. Phil Rudd was a unique drummer to say the least.

Here's a fun game: name an AC/DC song with a drum roll fill in it.

I imagine that there is some sort of vortex in there that actively repels females, like the opposite pole of a pussy magnet, if you will.

Hundreds of thousands of America's strippers disagree with this article.

This one of those movies I know I've watched and enjoyed, but can't remember a fucking thing about. Watching the trailer now I recall it was where I first saw Rudy from "Misfits," which bothered me when I was watching that show on Hulu a couple months ago.

You think they would have went for the low-hanging fruit like that, being Motley Crue and all.

Did the meal at least kickstart your farts?

This is just a horn section and distorted guitar away from a Mr. Bungle song.

Just started it Monday and haven't been able to put it down. Trying to play through it completely blind without looking at a single FAQ/wiki guide, which is giving me even more of a nostalgia trip for the NES Zelda.

This has been the year Nintendo has recaptured my attention. I got a Wii U for Christmas and have loved Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, DKC: Tropical Freeze, heck, have even had a blast playing Wii Party U with friends (and beer).

Yes but he was quite knowledgeable of the Paradox of Zeus' Butthole.

Terrorists respond well to being pummeled like a 13-year-old's weenis, but molecules and equations, much less so.

Maybe I'm retconning because of his later bad-ass MF roles, but Liam Neeson as a brilliant scientist in Darkman probably fits here.

Any of the cast of Hollow Man could have been included on this list.