Captain Ron J. MacReady

But…. but … The Rock and Armageddon had Criterion Collection editions!

Everyone should go see this just so the proposed "Expendabelles" movie gets made. MAKE IT SO.

And now that I think about it, what's Ford's third? He only did two Jack Ryan movies.

Waitaminit… Statham's Got this and the Transporter trilogy. What's the third?

Jeez, Richman's comments are kind of tough to… digest.

Who the fuck is going to teach the leftovers how to use their Amazon Fire TVs now???

I tfigured that they were smoking so that people would know that they're there/acknowledge their presence. I mean it's hard to ignore people smoking in public these days since it's become such a taboo.

A cross-country location shoot homage to "Vacation?" The real expense though is getting the rights to "Holiday Road." Lindsey Buckingham's gotta eat!

Yes, but champagne usually helps one expel semen.

I shit you not, when I saw Hannibal in the theater ages ago, this woman in front of me who had been stating the obvious like "Ooh, Hannibal's up to no good!" the whole movie, shouted out, "Wow, that's Larry Oat-a! He's fine!" when Ray Liotta first appeared onscreen.

Yes, phones are worse. Once I had a guy next to me answer his phone and say, "Aw, man, ain't shit. Just watching this new Die Hard. Kinda sucks. What's up with you?"

My personal hell is definitely watching a movie in a crowded theater full of chatty morons fiddling with their cell phones.

Aw c'mon North Korea, don't knock it before you've watched it! How do you know it doesn't end with Seth, James and the Jong Un stand-in settling their differences and becoming lifelong pals?

Smothered in Hops?
King Shit's Golden Ale?
Kicker of Ales?
It's Like Kolsch, Man?
Earthquake Brew?
My Type of Pilsner?

Next GBV brew… Exit Lager?

The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts.

Remember when I said I'd shit on you last? I LIED!!! *farts in face*

The melodramatic bombast of Thin Lizzy is perfect for a musical. You could definitely cobble together a "rise and fall of an Irish rock 'n' roll hooligan" type story out of songs like "Fighting," "Got to Give it Up," "The Boys are Back in Town," etc. Heck, you could take the narrative of Johnny the Fox and build from

They didn't exactly change the landscape of punk like some of the bands mentioned here, but some of my favorites from 1999 are The Lillingtons' Death by Television, Screeching Weasel's Emo and The Vindictives Hypno-Punko.

Weird thing is I enjoy Uncle Tupelo. Probably because they're more shambolic and loose. Wilco records sound calculated—more like an art project than a rock 'n' roll album.