Captain Ron J. MacReady

I will see your Radiohead, and raise you one Wilco.

E-kale-librium (starring Christian Kale)
The Life of David Kale
Kale Rider
The Painted Kale

Drag Me to Kale
Kale Comes to Frogtown
Kalebound: Kaleraiser II

I want some Freddy's BBQ from House of Cards, dammit

"Whoever fights with monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." — Nietzsche

Jon Von-era MTX, yes. Joel-era not so much.

Fun fact (that I didn't know until recently): On the stellar "The Many Moods Of…" singles comp, most of the backing vocals and some other various stuff were added in a new recording session specifically for the comp's release. This explains to me the mystery of why the version of "I'm in Trouble" on Punk USA sounded

I think "I'm in Trouble Now" might be my favorite pop punk song of all time.

Anyone who, unlike me, has money to burn is welcome to steal my idea: A Nuggets/Killed by Death-style compilation of obscure '90s pop punk bands. There had to be hundreds if not tens of thousands of bands that self-released 7-inchers but went nowhere. I know I have a box of bands I saw live or played with, many of

Maybe left out was a poor choice of words—just tootin' the horn of some bands I adore hoping some other AV Clubbers will check them out. I've got a list of bands to look up on Spotify thanks to this article and others comments.

There was a time when I would buy anything that said "produced by Mass Giorgini" whether I'd heard the band or not. Is it punk to be a fan of a producer?

Bark Like A Dog *has* better *production value* than my Brain Hurts. It's probably their best-sounding album, but other than the fantastic "You Blister My Paint" most of the songs are retreads of better songs.

Though it's not an album, I submit that the "…and the Women Who Love Them" EP is the best thing they ever did. Album-wise I'm partial to "Night Shift at the Thrill Factory."

A few of my favorites that were left out:

Yeah, I ordered from distros too, but I vividly remember it took EONS for a package to make it from Lookout! on the west coast to my house in Mississippi. A lot of records I bought at shows, remember when bands used to carry around with them records by other bands they liked and/or played with?

I think about how many records I bought by mail-order without even hearing them—most of SW's catalog, included—it's hard to fathom nowadays. And waiting 4-6 weeks for stuff to arrive via media mail was excruciating…

Agreed, it's funny because I'm discovering some bands that at the time my circle of friends deemed "not punk enough" that are fantastic. Bouncing Souls is one of 'em. We all despised Epitaph and Fat Wreck at the time. God, we were dumbasses.

My Brain Hurts is probably the only record of theirs I don't ever skip songs on, thus their only "perfect" record.

Maybe, Jay will be mentioned in 1998? That's when "Teenage Hate" came out.

I have been using these columns as a reference to relive some of the forgotten punk (and long-lost or scratched-up CDs and 7"s) of my youth with Music Unlimited and Spotify. Surprisingly a lot of this stuff is on there. That said, it's a damn shame Lookout! folded and a lot of their catalog isn't available anymore.