Captain Ron J. MacReady

Years later my mom confiscated both my Mr. Bungle and Body Count CDs after walking in on me listening to "Squeeze Me Macaroni" and seeing "Cop Killer" on the news. Luckily I had cassette dubs of both, which were only listened to on headphones from then on.

A lot of R-rated movies I love today were first digested during late night illicit HBO sessions after the hardworkin' parents had gone to bed at 10 p.m. I saw Creepshow when I was 8, and my mom could not figure out why I was having nightmares for a month, but I sure couldn't tell her. Even though I recognize what a

Weird, me and all my punk buddies in B.F.E. Mississippi were really into them at the time, though I can't remember how we found out about them. Maybe they're one of those bands we took a chance on because of a cool ad or glowing review in MRR. Such was the way you found out about new bands in the music vacuum of the

I can't believe The Simpsons aren't in their Hall of Shame. I mean, Fat Tony, Luigi, Legs and Louie… c'mon, fuhgeddaboutit!

Comedy Central is one of the few niche networks that have not only survived but thrived with its original format, and without resorting to a glut of reality TV dreck.

I vividly remember going to the local Blockbuster to return a movie a couple nights before In Utero was to be released. (This was when they still sold CDs.) I spied some copies of In Utero behind the counter waiting to be priced and profusely begged the clerk to sell me one, but to no avail. I can't think of any

Yo dawg, I heard you like to watch TV…

Looking forward to 1993, aka the year of some of my favorite punk albums of all time:
The Queers - Love Songs for the Retarded
Screeching Weasel - Anthem for a New Tomorrow
Seaweed - Four
MTX - Our Bodies Our Selves
Supercharger - Goes Way Out
New Bomb Turks - Destroy Oh-Boy
Propagandhi - How to Clean Everything
Fugazi - In

I've seen and love the movie, but still haven't gotten around to binge-watching the series on Netflix. It came on Friday nights when I was in my early 20s and Friday night actually meant something.

I saw this in I think '03 at a local film festival without knowing much about it and had a blast. Sure, the somewhat lowered expectations of a Jackson, Mississippi film festival probably bolstered its impact, but it's worth seeing. I think it took home the top prize that year, FWIW.

It may not have the nostalgia factor going for it yet, but I keep replaying 2006's You in Reverse as much as I do the '90s classics. Goin' Against Your Mind is incredible, and one of the few indie rock songs I've nerded out on enough to meticulously learn how to play on guitar like I did with Priest and Maiden in

Every time I hear Benedict Cumberbatch's name it sounds to me like one of the rejected nom de plumes from Eddie Izzard's bit about Engelbert Humperdinck

The White Stuff: Space Cowboys 2
The Dentures of Buckaroo Banzai: Space Cowboys 2
Sags of Our Fathers: Space Cowboys 2

Were it possible to give Corey an e-wedgie, virtual hurts donut or cyber indian burn, I totally would

I just had flashbacks of The Swingin' Neckbreakers

FINALLY! A Howard Jones for this generation.

I'm from May's hometown, and this is pretty spot-on.

There have been so many ludicrously convenient plot elements on this show (Maxine coming out of nowhere, the island, the appliance truck driver still working?, etc. etc.) that I think the ending of the show is going to be: "Hey look, there's a giant DOME OFF switch! It was here the whole time but we didn't see it

Also unearthed: "The Further Adventures of Stradlater and His Crumby Razor"