Captain Ron J. MacReady

I was thinking they must have left off the "excuse for a rapper" part of this headline until I read the actual story.

I guess that's how Robin Thicke gets by… the average VMA viewer has no idea who Alan Thicke is either.

I did not watch, and when I got to work this morning, one of the first things I saw on Facebook was a photoshopped pic with Beetlejuice's face over Robin Thicke's. Not having seen the VMAs, and seeing others comments about Miley in my feed, I spent most of the morning thinking people were horrified because she

He was born in 1986… does this mean he was conceived on the set of 'Overboard?'

Casey as Mr. Myxlplyx

It's a shame we live in a world where the original line-up of the Ants didn't record a follow-up to Dirk Wears White Sox.

I just learned that Ben's birth name is "Benjamin Geza Affleck-Boldt." And he chose Ben Affleck as his actor name instead of Geza Boldt? Clearly he was not thinking.

I was excited when I first read "Affleck cast as Batman" because I thought they meant Casey. Now THERE'S an Affleck.

I see the film version now:
Kevin Costner in: Swing Scroat

His theme song: I'm on a Scroat (ft. T-Pain)

They're making a meta spin-off show about people who watch this show….

Every Which Way Butler Loose
Nothing Butler Trouble
A Fistful of Butlers
The Sum of All Butlers
There Will Be Butlers
Buttling Them Softly
Butlergeist II: The Other Side
The Fall of the House of Butler
The Adventures of Butleroo Banzai
He's Just Not That Into Butlering