
Beat me to it.

the only time I are airline food was when I was 7. I needed to throw it up 5 minutes after eating it, but at least it tasted as good coming up as it did going down.

I'm glad to see Frank doing cool things outside of Face Off.

As I read this list, the song they play at the oscars (when they show the pictures if people who died) played in my head.

How does one submit wallpapers for this. I've got plenty.

Unreal Tournament 4: Modern Warfare

My understanding is that it will work as long as your Plus account is active, which you can totally have offline since its a entitlement to the system. So as long as you don't plan to give up your plus account, you are fine.

What if you fail to buy a PS4? can you still play it?!

I dunno, its not entirely a bad thing, most people will renew Plus anyway. I've been a constant subscriber since Plus was introduced. So for people who want to be able go digital, it works. It's not so unlike how steam works. If you fail to pay your internet you cant easily access all your steam games.

Gay marriage DLC coming soon.

Is Donald Sterling gonna be the end Boss?

Of course it's Florida.

dead nation, flower, I don't recall ever seeing King Oddball on the Steam store. Flow, basement crawl, doki doki universe, escape plan, resogun. And that's just off the top of my head.

seeing as how I've seen plenty I people playing these "crap" games, of say it's exactly what is needed. There isn't just one type of gamer, I may not play king odd ball but there are people who thoroughly enjoyed that purchase.

But I have Titanfall and also "titanfall" was lame, didn't like the lame controls of lameness. But I did put a good 30 hours into Titanfall. I just need more variety of games, PS4 has a new game coming out every week if not more. Even if its just a small game its still gives me something to look at in the store.


I believe he is in hiding for certain reasons.

you know what else would be cool (If not more cool)?

incredible, makes me wanna go out and buy BF4 again.

Sailor Mercury was always my favorite.

It was all going pretty well until I saw this.