it’d be nice if it were a decent game mode and not the total garbage that is fiesta slayer.
it’d be nice if it were a decent game mode and not the total garbage that is fiesta slayer.
At some point the black delegation is going to have to settle on a name for male Karens
ha ha. I didn’t even notice the date, it just ended up in my feed. Weird, carry one.
I’m actually really glad they dropped the extra stuff, the Switch is fast and the OS isn’t annoying.
Newt! :3
Great job! Things like this will be AWESOME when everyone can use their screenshots as the theme backgrounds. I’ve got several that I have been rotating through on the beta.
Yet I am a fan, and it resonated with me
Any time a game lets you make a first and last name, shit gets fuckin’ *real*.
What are the naming conventions of this race/clan? Is there a difference between feminine and masculine names? Is there a signifier for family lineage? etc etc. I end up sitting at that name box for a long time while doing research.
I take…
Actually now that I think about it. Plot holes have been a common complaint about this title in general, but I feel as though I have an absolutley clear picture about what happened and why it happened. Can anyone shed some light?
The genre is referred to as AG Racing, which stands for anti-gravity. But sure, let’s continue argue over shit for no reason.
I’ve found that if it at least zooms in on the pokeball before it freezes and you force quit the app, it’ll count it as caught. 4 or 5 of my Pokemon happened this way. If it doesn’t zoom in (like it didn’t with my Growlithe and my first Doduo), then it doesn’t. Also, Pokeballs are pretty easy to get. You get 15 per…
Same here. As I read through this piece, I just kept thinking, “Oh God... Why did I do that?” Doubt I’ll ever play it. Just stick to Overwatch until No Man’s Sky comes out.
What do the rules say about those fucking disgusting Mariners uniforms. Holy shit.
Actually AC trailers usually have modern music playing, so it’s pretty faithful in that regard.
Was at Disney Online Studios Canada. Looking for new work now. Hard to find though where I’m located.
Yea as an editor for a video game site. You would think he would’ve known this. They had an UC4 panel discussing this character at PSX like two weeks ago.
You guys are joking right...? That's The character Nadine Ross. The one that was getting all the attention for being voiced by a white voice actress a week or 2 ago. Come oooon.