
Honestly did not expect Sony to get their video editing up and running before Microsoft had a chance to update theirs. It gets harder and harder everyday to recommend a Xbox One to people.

Headline made me think this was gonna be a funny article about people complaining about ESO.

"What are the odds of me and Andrew Ryan on my first trip to Day Z?"

It was very hard to really understand what I was watching. I am intrigued, simply on the bases of mind fuckedness.

I knew there was a reason Mercury was my favorite.

These aren't even half as good as I should have made them. I get so depressed every time I see professional builds.

Ive probably got about 15 builds since I was 16 (24 now). My gold frame is one of my favorites, not a MG but has a quality look to it. The best part was when I realized I could take the gold arms and I put them on the Red Frame.

I usually use my nuclear ejection when the ship is low enough. I've found that's the best way to take out the evac ship shields.

^mine, though no LED's :(

Does it come with a Wing Gundam?!

But the majority of what we saw was forest (considering it was a forest moon). I just feel ruins are an overused backdrop in games. The Redwood forest part in Resistance 2 was one of my favorite backdrops. There isnt enough greenery in shooters.

I am so tired of ruins. Why can't it just be a swamp or a forest. Like Endor or Dagobah.

nvidia cards are usually more expensive than AMD cards, which goes to my original point about cost. There isnt really anything to argue about here. I don't know why you keep trying.

go back and read dude "With an AMD machine you cant get the physx stuff that some games require." I was not defending my rig in anyway. I was saying the difference in prices of Intel vs AMD and what you get for that.

So you would run a AMD cpu with an nvidia gpu? Also AMD makes graphics cards, so think before you hit enter.

That Matrix case is amazing.

Theory debunked: Their hair isn't swooping the same way.

Well if you got all that on a deal thats pretty good, man. But market value for all that isnt 350. And a lot of people cant/dont constantly watch and wait for deals. Time is money afterall.

But I wouldnt have been able to play games with my friends, or been able to meet a few new friends in the process. Also all the exclusive titles for PS3 and xbox 360 at the time were great fun.

Considering I need all the gaming consoles, and all the new games, thats thousands of dollars a year spent on gaming. At least for me.