What always strikes me is that the all holy master race always brags about how they can play any game at any quality setting and never mention that they can do anything else on it.
What always strikes me is that the all holy master race always brags about how they can play any game at any quality setting and never mention that they can do anything else on it.
Let me say this, Everyone reads this and assumes I am saying PC drools and consoles rule. I am saying PC is better, everyone knows this, but the amount of money you have to put into a PC is not for everyone, most have no interest at all. To say that one platform is better than the other is just as stupid as the…
If you have a source on that video id love to see it. I am sorry that me stating facts makes you cringe.
What backpedaling?
I would consider H1Z1 to be a PC game going to the PS4. As is Everquest Next and Planetside 2.
I still have my fat ps3 from 2007, never once has she failed on me. Xbox 360 on the other hand I have replaced multiple times, But I was in no way able to afford a PC at the time.
Outlast is not exclusive FYI
I hope for PC sake we never get Forza 5, and if we do, i hope it is a much better game.
Thats exactly my point. take 7-8 year old pc tech and try to run battlefield 4 on a pc. console graphics have only gotten better over time, this is due to the devs learning out to use the tech.
I should have worded it different, i meant "to get this quality" you will need the 8 core
Yes, I am talking about from the existence of the Xbox 360 to present day.
Lets go back to 2006, take a look at a PC back then. Can you honestly say that a pc built back then, can run a game better than the PS3 in 2013?
I am in no way saying console gaming is better than PC. It also seems to me that a lot of devs are jumping on the next gen train with releases like Strike Suit Zero, Dont Starve, Gone Home and many other indies releasing on consoles.
I haven't forgotten. But a lot of those games aren't gonna give you the experience that a lot of consoles games give. Narrative, voice acting, the overall quality of games is often better with exclusives.
I am talking over the years and yes I do own a PC I have spent way too much money on steam. :(
mind if I ask what pc parts you are using? that sounds like a good deal.
Drive club and project cars are not the same experience, Driveclub is a great looking game and a social experience and project cars is just a great looking game.
Being a gamer is an expensive hobby, Ive come to terms with this. I have owned all major consoles, and got my PC up and running in about 2010. I can play anything I want at anytime. I do not support one true system or way to play games.
And in order to achieve this, people will have to spend thousands to get this quality.
Now all we need is a waterproof Oculus Rift. So I can sit in my tub and play this.