Chris Rywalt

A lot of it is…less than optimal. But I still enjoy the movie reviews, some of the recurring features (A History of Violence is fun), and for some reason I insist on hate-reading the Walking Dead recaps even though I despise the show and don't watch it.

Also, holy shit but the copy editing there is terrible.

A. I don't go to Nathan's site, I go to AV Club, and I tend to forget to look for this feature, even though I'm always happy to read it. Now I have to remember another site to check for updates? Ugh.

Oh my, the childhood memories made me jealous.

Shyamalan has his problems but he's a visual stylist. I hadn't heard of this movie at all and had lost total track of Shyamalan's career but at the very first shot of the preview for this movie (which I saw in the theater in front of "Dr. Strange") I knew who was directing.

This is actually an interesting legal gray area.

William Carlos Williams wrote a poem called "Paterson" but he lived and worked in Rutherford, New Jersey, which is some ways away both in distance and temperament. His home in Rutherford is a landmark and there's a movie theater named after him.

The world is still waiting for a truly good Batman movie.

I don't know if I'd say I hated the Nolan Batman movies but they were pretty crappy. The guy has zero visual sense and Goyer hasn't the foggiest fucking clue what makes superheroes work. His continued employment mystifies me.

"viewers had clamored to theaters"

Free rein free rein FREE REIN

I saw Brian Dennehy play Willy Loman on Broadway. He was amazing. Remember that part is usually played by Dustin Hoffman types — small, weak-looking, slumped. Not big bear-like guys. Dennehy killed it.

I've said before that the dopey sitcoms of the 1960s and '70s — "What's Happening", "Happy Days", "Gilligan's Island" — didn't die, but just moved over to Nick. Alas, the current lineup isn't compelling at all. Dan Schneider's latest is deeply lame. Lucky for me my kids are too old for them now.

Yeah, Griffin does sort of chase trends. I think of him as a musical magpie, really, picking up shiny things from all over. He spent some time (may still be spending time) writing country songs in Nashville, too, which is weird, but not as weird as Lionel Richie doing it (which he is).

I repeat this joke way more frequently than I should. And have for…a really long time now.

How dare you pick on Better Than Ezra? Kevin Griffin is a great songwriter. I just saw them last summer with my daughter — they're still sort of touring. Er. Kind of. In one of those '90s group shows. Anyway, they've got some damned good albums.

Has Chris Evans set a timetable on when he's going to begin acting?

I wrote this article fifteen years ago.

How does one tease out a facet?
