Chris Rywalt

I have only once in my life seen a movie and then moved to another theater in the multiplex without paying. I saw "The Happening" and decided it was so unbelievably terrible the theater owed me a free movie, so after it was over I saw the next available film a few doors down. It was "The Love Guru".

I saw Peter Jacobson in The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) off-Broadway and he was FANTASTIC. The show was great, he was great. I'm still so thrilled to see him in a movie or on TV — "Hey, it's the guy from Shakespeare! So glad to see he's getting work!"

Whose tic caused it to be spelled Booglaloo so consistently?

"The free market Rand deified coldly rejected the films"

"lame flailing snottiness" is one hell's highway to the bends of a mixed metaphor.

I don't know if it's been made clear to you yet, Nathan, but it is absolutely terrific that you're back doing these.

"Hurdling forward"?

I find it hard to believe there's anyone who doesn't think "Prometheus" is absolutely dreadful, some kind of nadir of overwrought thoughtless studio product run amok.

Holy sea cow, I think you may have solved a long-standing mystery in my life. Way back in the 1980s I was staying at a friend's house and ended up watching some premium channel in the middle of the night. I think this may have even been pre-cable, on WHT. (Does anyone remember WHT?) I caught the end of this movie

