Seriously. Haven't seen it yet and if this had a different title I would be able to move past the link none the wiser.
Seriously. Haven't seen it yet and if this had a different title I would be able to move past the link none the wiser.
Only whores understand basic reproductive biology.
who told them that the references to birth control and abortion, without also mentioning adoption, were in violation of state law.
It's basic spoiler etiquette. I watched last night, but totally understand people miss things. They have other plans, or they have other shows, and sometimes it takes a couple of days to catch up. At the very least you put anything super spoilery - that includes character deaths - behind the jump with a warning. …
Fucking seriously! If I haven't seen an episode of something I avoid reading anything about it until I have, regardless of whether there's a "spoiler alert." But now I'm just glancing at Jezebel and get a massive fucking spoiler. Thanks, everybody, I guess I'll just stop consuming media until I'm all caught up.
I second this. I didn't get to watch last night and was planning on doing so tonight. This blows :(
I don't know why Jezebel insists on putting massive spoilers in headlines like that. They're not at all hard to avoid, and it just seems mean-spirited.
I am beyond annoyed right now. SERIOUSLY.
One of the fun parts of scary shows like AHS is being surprised... kind of mean to rip that away without at least a one day grace period for the huge chunk of people who had their Comcast go out last night.
Thanks for the spoiler in the headline, Hillary.
Me, too! Mazel tov, you guys.
right? i read the whole thing and was like WOW I FOUND MY PAST LIFE
It's a tabloid summary. It's not a fucking doctoral thesis. (Or even a deep issue piece.) Cut her some slack here.
i LOVE the writing quality. it's creative stream-of-consciousness hilariousness.
general raving of the most extravagant kind.
Your Midweek Madness posts make me laugh harder than anything on the site, and I love your grades. You don't need to fix shit.
LOL - never change
I would totally be up for the transcribing job, if I were anywhere near the right place. *Sigh*
I love you Jia. I legit never laughed at MM before you. " steamy bees" made me spit out my drink!!
Taylor Swift's friends used to ask her: "ARE YOU AN ELF?" This is purportedly because she grew up on that dang Christmas tree farm but it is also because of my 9000-word essay linking Elfness to Whiteness all the way from its medieval Germanic etymology (albh for white, alpt for swan, elbe for girl who's never…