
everything can't be written or created by Tyler Perry

I like how they alternate who is Kim and who is Kanye.

Well, 13 year olds have boobs and wear tank tops. There's nothing tacky about it. There's also nothing overtly sexual about it.

dude that's like...just her face tho

Not everyone looks the same at 13. She looks pretty normal to me. A little serious, but it's a photo shoot.


I don't think so at all. I was actually thinking how nice it was that she was not sexualized.

I think she looks her age here—the styling is, as the headline trumpets, quite natural. What about this image feels sexualized to you?

Ya know, since I have become my baby, gained weight, and gotten older, the catcalling HAS diminished, and yes, in a weird way, I miss being seen as attractive. HOWEVER, I think that's a sign of how much we've internalized the misogynistic message that our bodies are for display, and that our worth is primarily as a

I admire people who can write down their thoughts in such a way, the best I could have done in her place would have been a jumbled mess of rude words.

Men get very angry when you challenge their entitlement to do whatever the fuck they want.

Dude, no.

Exactly. I learned about evolution in Catholic grade school in the 70s in Indiana. Not exactly a mecca of forward thinking.

The impact is that a global religious leader has come down firmly on the side of evolution. Of course a lot of evangelicals consider Catholics as Not True Christians, so I don't know how much of

SDZ is correct. This isn't really a big change. The Christians who have been "fighting tooth and nail to tear down the Big Bang Theory and evolution" have largely been evangelical protestants, not Catholics.

Eh? The fuck are you talking about?

Uh. nope. Catholics are okay with evolution.

Jesuits... the shit, man.

It's not a big deal at all.

The Catholic Church has never opposed the Theory of Evolution, and it was a Catholic priest and physics professor who originally proposed what's now known as the Big Bang Theory.

The people who think the Catholic Church opposed Evolution or BBT simply don't know what they're talking about, or

Not even slightly. Catholics have believed this for years.

I'm a Christopher Pike fan from way back, and totally agree. I enjoyed the Fear Street series, but his books had me scared me well into my high school years. Next to The Vampire Chronicles, his 'Last Vampire' serie had me addicted to every story. His 1st adult novel, Sati, still is my most favorite novel.