
...this whole study sounds pretty sketchy; if ejaculating is what does the trick, wouldn't masturbating produce the same results without STI exposure?

This is dumb. 20 women or 20 different women? And does that mean the men only got laid 20 times? I've been with same woman for 25 years - do all the times we've done it only count as once?

Can I sue a school board for promoting abstinence based education on the grounds of endangering my male child's health?

And I'm not one of those people who are like "who even is that super famous celebrity I'm going to pretend to not know?" I am OBSESSED with everything celebrity (not something I'm very proud of, but whatevs) and I legitimately had no idea this wasn't a BSB song.

This was my exact reaction. "BACKSTREET'S BACK! ALRIGHT!"

I'm feeling my age because I really was expecting him to holler in her as in "yell at and berate."

Any one else feeling their age because when he said "As Longs You Love Me" I thought Backstreet Boys.

As someone who has spent time living in Boston, anyone who impugns the name of Dunkin Donuts is officially on my list.

Ok so I know I'm probably ignorant and those are refined lavender sliverlets or something, but that looks like an ugly ass bug on a donut.

RIGHT!? being Kim for a living looks hard but mostly awesome, sign me up.

Right. If I could get paid copious (read, not even that much) amounts to just put my face on everything, I would in a flash. Clearly she's doing something right, and you just have to give it to her.

her talent is business tbh. and i am not even a little mad. kim is by FAR the most boring on her show, but look what she made, you know?

people REALLY. HATE. that kim is a successful, shrewd businesswoman with a BOOMING success in the tech field. and they're IRATE that she didn't illustrate, code, write and idek BUILD the computer her game was created on.

Brazier? That cop was on fire with their typing skills.

My father was a pastor. He also did not speak English as his first language (though he did speak fluent, unaccented English) and occasionally would slip up a bit. Once, he was preaching a sermon on the story of Abraham making a covenant with God, which involves God appearing as a flaming brazier. My father pronounced

Used brazier exhibit 3:

Okay, her rap "voice" sounds even more fake live. Jesus CHRIST. RAP IN YOUR OWN DAMN ACCENT.