
Can we please start a picture thread of our chihuahuas because I seriously need that adorableness to counteract how incredibly awful this is.

What about how the cover shows "A Novel" being shredded?

I hate this so much and I know many of the authors I follow on Twitter feel the same way. Covers are such a crap shoot but covers like this are so fucking damaging. This reminds me of Maureen Johnson's incredible Cover Flip project where she invited people to make covers with the gender of the author flipped. It was

I think that the way the LW describes her situation is problematic, but sometimes "wearing the pants" just means that you're the one that has to make every decision, and that's exhausting.

Some people just need a boundary to chaffe against, or they can't tell the difference between content and annoyed. This time it's showing up as a feminist thing, but she sounds like her life is a Goldilocks situation.

Every time a story about engagement/wedding rings is posted on Jezebel I brace myself for all of the anti-diamond/traditional ring comments that follow. Usually it's along the lines of "The hubby and I decided not to go with the usual diamond ring but instead we used a kidney stone tied together with woven pieces of

Agreed. Every wedding-related post on Jez brings out a bunch of people who can't wait to crow about their vintage, indie, eco-friendly, non-conflict, much-better-than-yours engagement ring, and pat themselves on the back for being soooooo unmaterialistic, and basically crap all over women who didn't make the exact

Oh, I just agreed because I don't like diamonds. They're fine, I guess, but there are a ton of other, much cheaper stones that I think are a lot prettier. If other people like diamonds, that's fine, but they are too...sparkly? I guess? Eye-grabbing? for my tastes.

TWIST: the lucky lady he picks is riddled with Ebola. Should have asked for a medical record, sucker!

Uh maybe I am wrong here but wouldn't frequent travel actually make you more likely to catch nasty bugs like ebola because it forces contact with a ton of strangers from widely disparate backgrounds? Especially if they're travelling internationally or doing things like staying in large comfortable hotels that tend to

You have heightism! Send a picture and your height.

I wanna wake up, in a city that never bleeds

Probably talking about the zodiac, today is, if memory serves, the first day of Scorpio. Of course with Madge we never really know.

I was thinking the exact same thing - describing this as suffering seems like a departure from her "regretting the role she played" or whatever she said (and likely felt forced to say) at that farce of a press conference - hopefully a good sign?

Testify, girl. My engagement ring is a hella gorgeous, conflict-free diamond. I wouldn't change a thing about it.

I totally agree with you. I even got caught up and tried to convince myself that I actually wanted a ruby or an emerald instead of a diamond but then I was bummed out at the thought of NOT having a diamond. So we picked a lovely, small-ish, non-ostentacious, vintage diamond that I adore. An engagement ring is such a

I agree. My ring originally belonged to my great grandmother. I've been on the receiving end of so many passive aggressive comments about the size/morality/very existence/why I wouldn't just donate or sell it to fund baby feeding programs on another continent etc. People are dicks.

No, of course not all of them are — but the traditional large stone ones (bought new) are, in my opinion. is available. Shall we?

I had to explain to my mother a few days ago what a "mens right's activist" was. Let us keep in mind that my mother does not swear.