
I suspect this is my fault. I've been eating healthier lately.

According to the complaint call, they were fucking in his car on a public street in broad daylight with the door open. This isn't police overreach, this is Celebrity Special Snowflakedom at its grossest level.

Would you feel the same way about walking past a car where a guy was jerking off? Does his private world inside his car supersede your right not to be exposed to his masturbation? Or are you just being nosy?

Pepsi drinkers are terrible people with terrible tastes.

It's okay, Diet Coke - I still love you.

she's a literal pretty princess and i am so jealous.

I love that she also photoshopped Ramsey. Not only do we have to be beautiful all the time, but we must be surrounded by beautiful people!

working in a primary care office right now is a REAL treat. Especially one that serves an older population who sit at home and watch CNN all day.

Can't these families sue the school districts? I mean, they're not blocking students who have family in Dallas from going to school, are they?

Yeah, the first thing I thought when I saw that was "Man, I wish I'll look that good at like, 40".

Time for everyone to register a Facebook with nothing but faked pictures of volunteering to rescue puppies and leading heathens to Jesus.

That is why I am convinced we are entering a phase of cultural re-Victorianization. Women will always think twice before displaying any part of their body due to risk of normalized violent invective (let alone violent physical behavior) toward women who show too much, with "too much" being completely relative and

Very true. Quebec's elite sends their children there, and the dean probably panicked at the idea of losing a wealthy client or two. Entitled brats beget more entitled brats - fire the slutty actress! The fact that none of the students of Brébeuf or more importantly, not a single parent have yet come forward to

So if you don't use Facebook or Linkedin, do they ask for your Kinja or outlook password instead? Online banking passcode? The keys to your house? Your Micro SD cards with all your photos backed up?

Can we talk about how this woman is seventy-fucking-three???!

What's doubly galling is that Brébeuf — formerly a Jesuit-run school — has been secular since the mid-1980s, so Roman Catholic puritanism would have had very little, if anything, to do with the fate of Mme Laurent-Auger. What it's really all about is school administrators' fixation on upholding the Brébeuf brand, in

There was a biology teacher in my high school who had been in Playboy sometime in the early 80s (approximately 20 years prior) and rumors circulated about it EVERY year. It was practically institutional knowledge, and every so often someone would find that particular issue somewhere and put the photos up on her door.

How did the boys tell the school about it? I absolutely believe they looked the film up, but then...what? They went to the dean with that information? It just seems so bizarre that this would have gotten from Point A (boys googling shit about their teacher) to Point B (the dean finding out that this has happened).

I get the impression that the school wanted her to be gone (because of her age?) and they are using this as an excuse. I'm sure she has tenure at the school and they had no other way to fire her. Really bad move on the school's part. I hope it blows up in their faces. If I was a parent, I would think really hard

She taught drama/acting, right? And appeared in films? As an actress?

This being the stupidest reason for firing someone I've ever heard aside, did they not pay any attention whatsoever to the fact her acting resume included "The Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac"? Like, if that was SUCH a big deal, wouldn't actually