Crystal Palace is not a gay disco

As a man who has experienced rape, I agree that publicity around these high profile cases is good. In my case it was in the 70s, I was in my mid teens (and naive), helping a family “friend” move to another city. His drug was alcohol, which was new to me and just as incapacitating as anything Cosby used. I remember

Do you ever feel even a tinge of regret for being an absolute sludgy shitpuddle of a human being? Or are you proud of it?

The better to ‘Rock The Casbah!’

You know what I would love? More movies with black people just being people. Like dramas, character pieces, etc., with black people just being normal people, you know, like we are in real life. Not “black movies” (stay away Tyler Perry. Stay far, far away). Not slavery movies. Not Straight Outta Compton. Not Boyz in

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.

Stop being friends with those morons.

I mean George Clooney wants to support diversity, he does! But not at the expense of his comfort. Like I said once in a diversity scholarship application. “You should pick me because I’m just hispanicky enough to make an audience feel good about the diversity they’re seeing on stage but not so hispanicky that they

So the hero of one version of Robin Hood died today, and the villain of another version of Robin Hood died today...

Dude, I have balls and despite my more or less complete disregard for them, we cohabit just fine. They do their stuff I do mine. I don’t have. Give them special distance on a bus just so someone wont sit near me. I mean it’s being a tool. Don’t be one and share your space. If you see some geezer I don’t know someone

No one cares about your balls.

White Men Can’t Clap

I have consulted with the cats, and they have decided to accept your civil unioned status as being single provided your partner understands that they have first claim on any bed, sofa, or laptop. A group is on its way to you now.

This has never seemed like such a beautiful sight. At least this breed of asshole doesn’t care what kind of shoes you wear as long as he can vomit on and/or sleep on top of them.

Self loathing artist.

One of my best friends in high school got pregnant at 15. She was terrified of her abusive dad finding out. We went to the school nurse who arranged for an abortion at a clinic walking distance from our houses. We pooled our babysitting money for a cab back to my house afterwards. No parents ever found out, but I

“Any real god wants no part in this kind of cruelty. This kind of absurd disregard for the well being of actual live humans.”

Why? If gods do exist, why can’t cruel gods exist?

A simple “boring” diamond engagement ring DOES go with everything.

Your mom has terrible taste in music.