
I don’t think it’s the case with current dude but I know exactly what you’re talking about. Faux woke baes should be avoided at all costs.

He’s woke and he’s a good dude. I’m only lamenting the fact that the competition is fierce and I’m super against competing with other women over a dude so I don’t see this turning out well for me. I sure as hell am going to enjoy my adventures with dreamy woke bae while they last though! :D

I just started hanging out with this fine ass young man who is woke as hell. Activist, feminist, 6'4". That shit will have you falling quick. Unfortunately I suspect I’m not the only lady on Tinder who feels this way. Beware the woke bae! I can see the train wreck that my love life will be in about a couple months and

I stopped fucking with his music after that. Like I’m perfectly aware that he dropped some (one?) good albums since all that went down with Janet but I’m not trying to hear it. People tell me I’m being silly but I was (am) so done with Justin!

This is why we need to teach critical thinking skills in schools.

I’m so glad she’s ok :(

Hahahaha. I think I should feel disturbed that I’m not at all bothered by her outburst. If that’s what it takes to get rid of the anger, be done with it and move on...


Get that money, Sara girl. You’re gonna need to be self employed for a bit.

Assholes. One more place I’ll never shop at again.

She’s doing big things on her own. She doesn’t need that show. She’s hilarious, amazing, and more than we deserve.

I can put bitter sour grapes aside and be genuinely happy for you guys. My good friend/roommate is an Ohio native. I get it! It's been a long time coming.

What the fuck kind of evil bullshit is this?!

I can see your point even though I am an actual sore loser who refuses to talk or even think about the tail end of the finals. :)

Colin Farrell... Eric Bana... I must have fallen asleep for that one too. :)


I also work for a company that had a lawsuit brought against them by the wives of employees who were angry about work conditions. The wives won and rightfully so. I don’t believe in deferring to a corporate entity just because they pay your bills. The consequences were a fine and they paid them so what’s the problem?

Hey, I politely respect your opinion about Lebron/Curry even if it conflicts with mine. You ride for your team and I’ll ride for mine. That’s what’s fun about sports. The NBA is not paying me to go in on strangers on the internet over players.

The New World is the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life. Who the hell green lit Eric Bana and Christian Bale following a 14 year old through tall fields of grain for 5 hours? Dumb. The 2nd worst movie I ever saw was The Tree of Life. I fell asleep in the theater. I won’t be watching Voyage of Whatever.

You can have your opinion and I have mine. Mine: Curry gets a lot more hate than he deserves because he’s good. If he wasn’t on the team I love I would probably hate him too (Example: See my feelings on Lebron. They’re biased and I don’t care.)