
I get what you’re saying and there are a lot of people on this thread saying you’re wrong for how you’ve explained this. You’re not, they just don’t (maybe can’t) get it. When I read about a white person’s child/spouse being Black and that causing a newfound terror concerning racism, it’s a reminder to me that for

Me too. Fucked. Fucked. Fucked. No hiding who I am. Straight to the camps I go, I guess.

As a Black woman I can tell you that being nicer and “less arrogant” to racists doesn’t actually make them less racist. It leaves you open to being harmed by them.

Do we though? These people dislike me on sight because I’m Black. And I’m supposed to trust them and their President Elect? Nah. Never.

Informative and important. Love it! <3

This what it looks and sounds like when someone thinks your entire race is stupid/will believe anything. Note to Trump, we’re not and we still see you for the racist you are.

Why be insufferable when you can just be silent? You don’t like her. That’s cool. You’re entitled to your opinion. Why you feel the need to wag your finger in the face of people who like something you don’t baffles me. Why? What is it that you want from this weird interaction where you like to tell people that you

Amy is wack. I didn’t care for her before this, but I didn’t actively dislike her either. Now I feel myself being pushed towards “dislike”. There’s only so much celebrated mediocre bs I can watch. Lame. Lazy. Not funny.

Useless assholes. Vote them out!! I don’t know why Americans are still playing around with these morons.

My thoughts: Not only is he a garbage piece of shit he’s also boring. White men have been disrespecting and trying to devalue Black women and our bodies for centuries. Try something new, idiot. This form of racism is not clever or thought provoking. Lazy + racist asshole = not a good look.

Depends on if they succeed on wiping us all out or not.

If the police don’t want to be perceived as untrustworthy then they have to STOP LYING. According to their reports these shootings are always justified but we can see a different story in videos which is why they don’t want them released. They think we’re stupid. They are so full of shit. I’ve reached a point where

No. While I like a lot of his work and think he’s a legend, I don’t trust Spike Lee to tell Black women’s stories, ESPECIALLY when it comes to sexuality.

I didn’t ask you to apologize for anything so I don’t know where you got that. I have zero interest in that. I’m also not interested in debating whether or not racism with US police is a problem. We may not see eye to eye on that and I plan on having a good day today. What I do think we agree on is that this death is

I am completely open to being wrong about the intent behind your statements. I read the entire thread and watched you argue that this kid was not a child and that this kid “should have known better”. Are you really confused that I’m getting a “he deserved what he got” vibe from your statements? This kid’s death is a

I’ve come to understand that I no longer believe what police officers say. They are fully invested in protecting their own asses. Why would a cop say anything other than “He pulled a gun out of his waistband” after killing a kid in an alley? He certainly wouldn’t say “I fucked up and shot a kid. I thought I saw

So we’re expecting 13 year olds to have the cognitive abilities of adults. If they don’t they’re not victims (which is your coded statement that he deserved to die). Good to know

Fact. I mean I love the areas that would make up Jefferson. I would totally live there one day, but Jefferson as its own state is a dumb dumb dummy idea.

I am currently in an ethically non-monogamous relationship and it’s pretty great. I don’t have any problem with consenting adults creating relationships that work for them. That being said, THIS DUDE fucking creeps me out! There’s something wrong with him. He’s gross and men like him are a part of what gives me

I’m convinced that this is what tea party folk and Trump supporters want. They keep talking about Race wars and civil wars and they are practically salivating at the mouth. The rest of us are like “Justice and equality please.” and somehow that translates to them that we’re fixin’ to fight. They are insane and