Insufferable to you, maybe. I don’t get annoyed when a woman has a strong loud opinion. I still like her.
Insufferable to you, maybe. I don’t get annoyed when a woman has a strong loud opinion. I still like her.
Sewer people. :)
Hmmmmmm... I bet they’d make a dress for Adele tho...
End of times. :)
Who’s calling who a thug? Hmmm.
Exactly. I’m award carrying member of the Beyhive but that song... Nope.
Enjoy having Trump as your president then. This isn’t rocket science. A vote for anyone other than the Dem candidate is a vote for Trump.
This is so dangerous. I feel strongly that all minorities in this country need to stand up against this type of hatred against refugees. Those of us who have been through this type of othering or who have family/ancestors who did know what this is like and I don’t know how anyone who’s experienced that kind of trauma…
Thanks for reminding me that I have to be on the lookout for my mailed toll ticket from my last wine country debacle. Last time I forgot and the city hit me with overages. :( Such a stupid system.
Ew!!!!! I'm going to have nightmares about accidentally touching that wall!
Yes. The FACT is that they denied the child immediate medical attention and didn’t call her parents to let them know she’d been injured. Even if you believe their fairytale about it being an accident the school should still be sued successfully for that alone. I would have a lot more faith in that happening if our…
I read about this story weeks ago and all of the comments ALL of them were some version of “Why are they trying to make this a race thing? This is just kids being kids.” and “The family is obviously just looking for a payday.” It made me so angry I had angry, angry tears in my eyes. This is a goddamned little girl.…
I grew up on her books. :( Checked out stacks and stacks of them from my middle/high school library. I’m really grateful for her work.
I am well aware of the injuries he’s been dealing with. I think both the injuries as well as this Zika catastrophe are damned good reasons to stay home.
Steph Curry, arguably the best basketball player we have in the US isn’t going. He sites “A need to concentrate on the ‘16/’17 NBA season” as his reason (he has an awesome PR person btw) but I suspect it’s more than that.
White male privilege working as designed. Meanwhile ACTUAL children (who had the misfortune being born either poor, non-white, or both) get their actual lives tanked by the justice system everyday for infractions that are either not violent or far less violent than what this trash human did. That’s America.
I love her so much.
This is fucking sad. And he's not some special snowflake. There are tons of men like him in he world who think they own a woman because she's sleeping with or married to him. Fucking disgusting.