
UGGGGGGGGGGGH. I’m loving every single little thing about that Chris Lee video and those songs. Gimme more.

But that’s not the origin of Becky. It’s pretty old slang for “white girl” which is probably why the tumblr user chose it. Even Sir Mix a Lot references the slang circa 1992 with “Oh. My. God. Becky... Look at her butt...”

Ha! Serves me right for forgetting my comma. Your comment is amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

Well babies need to eat Wendy. Not everything is about you.

I have a college friend who posted a positive article about this with no comment. My friend is usually pretty self-aware so I’m very confused as to why she posted it. My only response was “Yikes!”

The women that are a part of these communities have their own faces and don’t need hers to represent them. That’s my only opinion on this. I really don’t understand how she thought that this was “good” or “helping” in any way. I just don’t get it. At all.


This is not a subject Beyonce would touch with a 100 foot poll. People really want her to be that dumb but she’s not.

Even if she was kicked off the show because her life is too “boring” all that means is that her life is NOT a trashy mess. That’s something to be proud of. Many of us (me) wish we could say the same.

So the next time an angry white republican accuses me of being an angry Black woman over the internet I should just tell them to stop projecting?

Don’t have babies with ain’t shit men. Don’t. Do it. Can’t find a decent dude? Sperm banks and in vitro are excellent options. You’ll never have to deal with his kind of bulllllllllshit.

I’m very happy about this. I don’t go to Coachella so when acts I want to see play there it makes me sad. I won’t be sad this year. <3


Some cops got away with murdering a Black child. He’s absolutely correct. The “Process”did work. The governments reign of terror on its Black citizens continues.

OMG! I thought angels were watching me all the time when I was a kid too! I think I heard some story in Sunday school and it scarred me for my entire childhood. Pair that with being forced to watch “Touched by an Angel” every week with my parents. In that show the angel of death routinely visits people right before

Why can’t parents teach children to be good using actual morally strong reasons for being good? Example: “Be nice to people the way you’d like people to be nice to you.” and “Don’t be a douchebag because then no one will want to be your friend.”

To name a song “Marvin Gaye” and have it sound so completely devoid of soul should be a punishable crime.


So Trump should be president because he always invites giant baby douche face cheater Tom Brady out to play golf?

Jesus will be light skinned with lace front cornrows.