Mary Magdaline getting AIDS will be the entire 3rd act.
Mary Magdaline getting AIDS will be the entire 3rd act.
I have so much respect for her. There’s so much misplaced shame that goes with being a survivor of abuse that keeps victims silent. It contributes to the feeling that you’re alone. I’m always proud of survivors who can speak about what they’ve been through. I hope it helps other people who are going through similar…
I may be a bit tipsy on white wine in an airport right now, but this is the most amusing thing I've read all week. Thanks for that!
I’m sure Adele is responsible. I worry more about music industry business people pushing artists (especially young ones) too much with little concern over the lasting health of their instruments.
I didn’t think the song could sound any whinier. I was wrong.
Real talk though. Considering what Mariah’s voice used to be and what it is now I really hope that today’s Divas have specialists and doctors on the payroll who can look over these schedules.
LMAO! I actually love it. It’s so freaking weird.
Yesssssssss! Foundation under lipstick is wonderful, just make sure it’s dry before you apply the lipstick.
It’s not a drawing around her lips. It looks like her lips were covered with foundation and powder (a trick to make lipstick stay longer) and then her lip were not filled to the edges wig lipstick.
It can be. :( Eating disorders are a slippery slope and they are complex. I was anorexic as a teenager and I still struggle with restricting sometimes. When I want to cut calories I usually start with clean eating. Healthy eating is socially acceptable and no one is going to look at me sideways for eating some…
I’m not worried about those kids. Their parents can donate enough money to buy the school a new science lab and then *poof!* instant straight A’s (or at the very least passing C’s if the school has “integrity”).
The average age of a bachelorette has aged out of Ashley being a popular name.
That video is golden. I can’t wait for this shit show to start.
This would not be a bad hustle. Disney is an expensive hobby.
Here’s a radical idea: people like what they like, and if it doesn’t involve you or hurt literally anyone anywhere maybe don’t shit all over them for it. Just a suggestion.
I don’t give a fuck what they believed. That baby was playing with a toy and they killed him. Those are the facts. That they would say “I thought he was older” and believe that that justifies the murder of a child just proves how little they give a fuck about the lives of Black people. People who automatically see…
Yeah. I never understood that this wasn’t how every family worked (kids providing for parents once they got a good job) until I dated a dude who was super confused that I was excited to give my parents half of my yearly bonus. He was like “Do they make you do that? Do you owe them money?” and I was like “No, but I’m…
Some fun anecdotal “data”: