I started using this because I had a hook-up buddy whose breath was ALWAYS awesome. Even after eating meals. I would watch to see if he popped a mint or gum... he didn’t. In the morning after brushing his kisses tasted like candy, not toothpaste or gross mint mouthwash. Just lightly sweet and awesome. He used this…
I started using this because I had a hook-up buddy whose breath was ALWAYS awesome. Even after eating meals. I would…
Although seeing they cast Stephanie Mills makes me feel a bit better. She’s AMAZING.
They better not fucking ruin this. I do not have high hopes.
Thank you so much for this!
I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to see this so bad.
I’m going wine-tasting this weekend for my birthday and I want to traumatize our tour driver with this song and 9 women rapping drunkenly along. I want to be THAT group. I need this jam on my playlist!
I feel like it’s being pulled down from most sites. It’s still here for now: http://www.indieshuffle.com/jamie-xx-i-kno…
It says my 16 year old sister who has braces is 27. lolz
David’s Tea is AMAZING! Their Countess of Seville (green tea with hints of bergamot which makes it a great Earl Grey substitute) is my daily go to. I need it to get through my day! Their travel containers are really beautiful too. I love them.
David’s Tea is AMAZING! Their Countess of Seville (green tea with hints of bergamot which makes it a great Earl Grey…
Racists amaze me. How is it that they don’t realize how stupid, dumb, and ignorant they sound when they spout this garbage. They really do sound like they’re new to life and don’t understand the most basic concepts. To clarify for all the racists: when you say things like the garbage in this article, Black people…
It is possible for people to go through difficulties as children. I read this as difficulties pertaining to identity, not difficulties pertaining to singing.
She's gorgeous and she should keep her head held up graceful and proud because haters gonna hate (and when they do they show off how ugly they are to the core).
Ugh. I feel really bad for POC Starbucks baristas. This is going to suck for them.
I liked Britt. She never really said or did anything mean to anyone so I don't really get where all the hate comes from (both on the show and within the comments here).
Yes. I also recognize the shade in her reply. It's masterfully applied. This girl is phenomenal.
And Kudos to Zendaya. What a beautiful/awesome response. <3
"Giuliana and Kelly Osborne need to go away."
This is amazing. I know too many people like your idiot coworker.
Lies, fairy tales, and fallacies.