Occupying sovereign countries for oligarchs is such a thankless task. Sad!
Occupying sovereign countries for oligarchs is such a thankless task. Sad!
Let’s see. He inherited a relatively small program from his predecessor, enhanced its scope and lethality massively, left (literally) uncounted dead innocent foreign nationals in its wake (“collateral” to advance “democracy”), and turned a greatly “improved” state-sponsored remote control murder machine over to his…
Ever wonder if #DrunkPelosi would do a better job than #SoberPelosi?
It’s a damned good thing god actually exists, otherwise these idiots would have to make him up.
Didn’t the DoD award him a special drone pilot’s cubicle in honor of his elevation of remote warfare murder to an art form? Install it in the basement, put a little resistance in the joysticks and power it with a foot treadle and ... instant elliptical!
The FTC has been fining these scum for years. They never collect anywhere near the full amount, the perps always seem to be judgment-proof.
At the end of the day, Pelosi and Trump serve the same corporate masters. It’s no mystery. Follow the money.
Truth is the enemy of politics. Looks like Rep. Underwood didn’t get the memo.
Providers would be able to consider “privacy, safety, practical concerns, [and] religious beliefs”
Let’s see if this illegal raid conforms to the pattern we have seen repeatedly, where the charges get dropped, since they already made their point. Loudly. In the middle of the night.
NOT ridiculing an imbecile takes considerably more effort than ridiculing one.
He’s campaigning now. It’s not a fucking preview.
While you’re correct in observing that the root cause problem is written into the legal landscape, there is no effective means to fix it under the current political regime. The controlling legislation is written by corrupt agents on both sides that have great big dogs in this fight, and as long as the available pool…
Vomiting up the worst candidate is a proven democrat strategy. Not a winning strategy, but at least a repeatable strategy.
Where’s Neville Chamberlain when you need him?
Imagine if these people suddenly ceased to exist, and how you would have to fill in the gaps they left behind in your now-empty life.
Some crying coach is living high on the hog!
Perhaps you misunderstand the quiet permanence of death.
In other words, the judge drugged and raped more women than “Hello Friend”? Who knew!
She probably shouldn’t have said anything about being pregnant. In Gestapo-speak, that translates to “twofer”.