Unstoppable PR machine proves the existence of perpetual motion.
Unstoppable PR machine proves the existence of perpetual motion.
The relentless PR machine is relentless.
Who could possibly have guessed that there would be any downside to a tradition of simulating the sounds of war?
Now do FaceBook.
It’s starting to look like we should shut this whole U-Haul rental thing down until we can figure out what the hell’s going on.
An endless source of cat pix, each one indistinguishable from the other, has finally seen its demise. The internet will never be the same.
Wait, didn’t his directorial debut happen a lot earlier?
At least we know who’s ultimately responsible for this fucking travesty called Facebook.
Do we at least know the justification for not pulling the trigger?
Neither embarrassment nor bribery nor conviction nor incarceration shall stay this intrepid PR machine from the relentless completion of its appointed rounds.
Xtianity is a helluva drug.
Food and sports offer endless opportunities for NPR up-and-comers!
Oh, ok. Don’t shit on poor Elon.
Which god?
It’s easier than you apparently think.
Wow, his PR campaign actually worked!
What about “BEAST FEEDERS”?
Poison peddler called on carpet by community for words. Film at 11.
They had visions of babies. Babies with candy. The rest is history.