
If it wasn’t for half-life and it’s available editor tools, i probably never would have been working in the CGI industry for almost 15 years.
Getting used to 3D workflow as a teen, messing about with scripts and animation timing. I built maps for myself to play in CounterStrike with ai that I had to use a pathing tool

It sounds like you have lots of stigmae around what it means to be an auteur that aren’t necessarily accurate. Do you hate Barry Jenkins? David Lynch? 

It’s a dumb distinction but I wouldn’t have thought about Hitchcock because he does “suspense”. But I totally agree. Hitch for sure.

No Hitchcock?

Lucky McKee - May, The Woman, The Woods

Tourneur’s best  horror movie is probably Curse of the Demon, though I love those B horror movies  he made in the 1940s, including Bedlam and Isle of the Dead 

This is so hilariously inaccurate when you know the actual origins of the term “woke”

these are video game related memes. they’re on topic. dork.

The New York Times Op Ed actually made some really fantastic points

But cis women who are infertile are the first to point out that not ALL women can give birth, so I don't think you can really lay this on trans people.

Yeah, we haven’t faced the real test of how much Dylan speaking out has hurt his viability as a filmmaker, because he hasn’t released anything resembling a good movie in a very long time, so it’s hard to tell if people staying away is moral condemnation, or just recognition that his movies aren’t good anymore. If the

So he’s not religious or spiritual but he believes in God and regularly attends church, and he’s not homophobic but he’s turning a blind eye to homophobia because he likes his church and his pastor and homophobia doesn’t really affect him. Got it.

EVERYTHING is too long anymore.

If you can’t tell me why X show sucks in 5 minutes, you need to rethink your argument, or maybe drop one of the 239 nitpick points and stick to the big ones. 

Wait, so this guy is named Blade and he just runs around with a sword?

Randomly last summer when I saw The Suicide Squad the theatre didn’t have the A.C. on. So uncomfortable.

Anyone who complains about “Unobtainium” in Avatar( even though that is an actual slang term ) should refuse to see any movie that has a large dinosaur namedGigantosaurus” in it based on principals alone.

He’s not wrong about the questions about how American Gigolo looks in 2022. I *hope* that’s part of what the show plans to explore. I assume that must be what they have to say about the whole thing.

*walks outside to the park nearby*: “Wow I’m getting some real Breath of the Wild vibes from this.”

defining is not gatekeeping. it’s time to stop conflating the two concepts. gatekeeping is not allowing someone into the club because they haven’t met some dumb, imaginary bar of credibility. it’s a superiority complex. genre definition is defining the actual bounds we use to categorize things.