
...these are the same people who don’t want to embrace alternative media (i.e., Netflix, Amazon Films, etc.)

lmaooooo, who the fuck would wanna see this dumbass mov—

That promotional photo, which I’ve seen frikkin’ everywhere, tells me all I need to know about this film. If I were to watch it, I wouldn’t see the Joker, I’d see Joaquin Phoenix AAAAAAAHHHHCCCCTTTTIIIINNNNGGG.

There’s a collection of the whole thing due in December. Digital copies are available from Comixology. And it’s worth taking a punt at your local comic store, Marvel have been churning out reprints, so you may be surprised and find they have (or can order in) copies of the all the issues.

All this discussion of Morrison’s writing on Arkham Asylum, and not a single mention of the absolutely groundbreaking artwork by Dave McKean?

AA games are still going strong. The last few years, mid sized devs have been making ambitious unique games with generally okay results: The Sinking City, Greedfall, etc.

The Surge 1 was good. Never got people’s dislike of it, beat it in 15 hours and never overstayed it’s welcome. Fun game, cool bosses, great dialogue and NPCs.

DEADWOOD fucked by The Emmys again!

Watching Court’s insta throughout all of this has been a delightful reminder that yes, she’s Courtney Love but she’s also a 55-year-old mom. It’s the most delightful combination of righteous anger deployed by someone really good at rage, random spacing, bad grammar, and momstagramming.  I couldn’t possibly love her

On top of my ex? He hated showering so only did it once or twice a month. He liked it when I would lightly scratch his back (not as part of sex, just as a relaxing thing) and I would end up with gunk under my nails afterward. My explanation is I was... going through a lot.

Well said.

I kind of liked Moby Dick until I learned to read it the same way I read science fiction. Since then, I love it. Just the first paragraph of Chapter 49, “The Hyena,” is worth the price of admission. 

The vernacular is established, and will remain until people no longer find it useful.  You’re fighting this fight about 15 years too late.

I have a headache.”

you need to learn to separate your overemotional reactions to critiques of video games from reality. There’s nothing biased in this piece at all. It’s a generally positive review calling the game a success at what it wanted to be. He offered a critique as it stands up against modern games of the same genre and how a

Dropped in to say Einhander. The mechanics are the most fun of any shmup ever.

Parasite Eve. And then maybe make new sequels to it that are more RPG than survival horror.


Xenogears (with sequels to tell the whole story) and I’ll die happy

This is so irresponsible. All this sort of thing does is lessen people’s readiness for when a REAL sharknado happens.