
There will come a day when Miyazaki will have passed away and people will tell me that he will never make another film. And I won’t believe them then either.

Now playing

The only reason he’s out is because of this being found out by the news media. We NEED to find out what’s going on with this administration and Russia. This shit is way out of control. Trump knew this happened and I’m totally convinced he ordered it and Flynn is the fall guy.

Slice and dice.

I’m sure he’ll say, “we had the biggest crowds ever!!” But deep down it kills him that the crowds are small, just like it kills him that he is perceived as an illegitimate president.

You take back what you said about Hot Tub Time Machine. You take it back RIGHT NOW!

“On January 20th, I will not be celebrating or honoring an incoming president who rode racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry to the White House,” “The American people will never forget that when a foreign government violated our democracy, Donald Trump chose the interests of another nation over our own.”

I don’t see him as a legitimate President either. Thank you Rep. Lewis for your continued bravery.

I thought it was a pretty spot-on parody of Ski Patrol. I liked Hot Tub Time Machine, too, but it seemed like more of a general 80's ski-culture parody, instead of a specific terrible movie/genre parody. Ski Patrol is the worst movie I have ever seen, including Manos Hands of Fate and Monster in Law, so some of my

I agree, the technical brilliance of that episode distracts from how actually funny the writing is. Them trying to stall a truck driver by sticking him in the alley “patio” is instant classic.

alternate headline:

A few aesthetic choices did seem a bit absurd to me as they happened. I got to Super Venice and found I had a surprisingly massive city to brood around in and wonder how it and Infinite Tokyo existed on the same planet. I was feeling mildly schizophrenic by Tolkien Town because its styles were shifting so much. There

Finally some real censorship for the gamergate ninnies to whine about.

I agree with this. I’m of the camp (in this particular debate... if it even qualifies as such) that neither looks particularly bad. I think Cho was trying to riff as comics are prone to do and the joke/content may not have landed...Given that I only read what she said as opposed to actually listening to it I may be

To me this is the point 95% of people seem to be missing. Tilda’s tone was civil and polite, therefore her entire email exchange was valid? WTF was that email in the first place!? She did make it seem like she wanted Cho to be her instant BFF asian friend to assuage her of any guilt she had and to plead her case to.

We Asians are freaking out. We are scared in ways we haven’t been in decades. If Trump goes to war with China, then we are the New Muslims. We will be persecuted. We will be killed. I feel this is a manifestation of this. And all you can do is report on the beef between two actresses instead of focusing on the

Yeah, it was still not okay to seek out an Asian person you don’t know to have the white person guilt convo, and that is really how it looks to me. She joked about it afterward, but the feelings of having to hear/witness/be asked to be in that conversation must have been maddening.

Are these men installing teeth grillz, twerking and generally acting the fool, like they were still in their 20's? I honestly don’t know, which is why I’m asking. Because the pettiness for those desperately trying to hold on to their youth cuts across the board: look at the way tabloids, and the internet, has gone

God damnit Kanye.

I prefer “Scroatus”.