I’ll be angrier than a grown man who no longer identifies with the hero of a comic book movie!
I’ll be angrier than a grown man who no longer identifies with the hero of a comic book movie!
Make her DLC character in the next Kombat pack!
Jason Vorhees should be in Call of Duty. After all, he hates campers.
“All-digital is the future! Anyone who has concerns over an always-online system and DRM policies that curb consumer rights is obviously an ignorant Luddite.”
The line for crow stew forms over there.
Gamer entitlement is unique. Every disgruntled fan seriously expects devs to change key features just because they want something taken out/changed/or added. And then they absolutely rage when it doesn’t work like that.
This type of entitlement isn’t present amongst fans in any other medium.
No one seriously expects…
It’s called “The Dark Knight III: The Master Race.” Wonder if Superman gets beat up again?
I guess I am glad I got this on the PS4. I didn’t even have that sign in bug that was on PS4....
I don’t know if I’m grossed out by the fatalities — well, a few of them, sure — but I do wish that they weren’t so elaborate. Like, what’s wrong with just punching off a dude’s head, or ripping out a lady’s spine? Why does it have to be this big, long, complex series of indignities?
Get over him!
If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive…
In conclusion, Twitter is the worst.
Honestly I understand the dev’s feelings (even though I don’t agree with his immature public insulting). TB has this reputation (and fully believes himself to be) this prophet of fairness and intelligent insight. But he spouts biased statements with the same regularity and selfless-assuredness as anyone else, the only…
I like TB, but there are some aspects I don’t like about him as well. His focus on “objectivity” is noble and is definitely useful when it comes to things like PC optimization/graphical options, but I’ve come to view that creed as more limiting than anything. I find that aggregating a complete view on a game actually…
I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t want to play a 2D Shadow of the Colossus. Oh well his loss.
You do realize you are asking a YouTuber to be professional, right?
Guns, visceral attacks are fun against them.