
I still find it perplexing that it is apparently Rowling’s tweets that ruined the franchise ... rather than the mediocrity of the writing.

Hearing that the game is a very bog-standard “AAA” release just makes the garbage people championing it to own the libs look all the sillier.

Neil Marshall’s Hellboy has its defenders, most notably Walter Chaw, who included a brief write-up in his Best of 2019.

I got lost in this game my first winter home from college. Like everyone, I was skeptical of 3D Metroid, and then the art direction totally charmed me: the vines snaking through the temple walls, the fog and droplets on the visor, those rare glimpses of Samus in the glare of a missile, those weirdly moving fans,

There are plenty of other games where this could be a valid criticism, but Dead Space is not really a good example of that.

Does it bother you that Roger Rabbit is married to a human (well a human toon anyway)? If animals in a work of fiction can think and make their own romantic decisions, what’s wrong with it?

Reservoirs of neurotic post-Catholic shame are going to keep me from posing in the raw, but (like Faulkner’s hornily self-entombed Rosa Coldfield) I’m with you in spirit. Go for it, people.

Really curious to see the Venn diagram of people who watched this show and people who are watching The Last of Us. I like them both, but Station Eleven felt refreshing (especially the great pilot episode) and The Last of Us always seems to be vindicating itself. It’s good, but it tells me so every ten minutes, which

I didn’t care for the series adaptation. Some of it was spot-on, but most of the changes ruined the series for me. Instead of buying the series, I recommend buying and reading the book, which is a much better investment, IMHO.

Dont the Authority start as Stormwatch? Which was part of the Wildstorm stuff and not part of DC at all?

And no, they aren’t really similar, but they are the closest DC has to “violent political heroes with a dash of deconstruction” beside Watchmen, so I can see an executive drawing parallels. The Millar run especially indulged in a lot of the same excess as Ennis, and contained a lot of anti-War on Terror commentary,

She was great in both but maaaaaybe not inexplicably snubbed, imho.

You think those were inexplicable?

After the inexplicable snubs for her fine work in Mandy and Possessor, this nomination seems like the least the Academy can do.

I won’t describe the twist. But I will say that the movie is much more interesting than the trailers suggest. The trailers pointed toward a more art-directed version of something like The Purge or Hostel (or I Know What You Did Last Summer) and the film itself is blood-drenched Borges mixed with an especially nasty

This list is a weird read. Watched Hocus Pocus for the first time recently, its quality was only slightly higher than a TV movie of its era. But it’s better than TS 2 & 3?!

The absence of Three Caballeros is criminal. Sure, it’s problematic that Donald Duck hits on human women during a sequence that mixes animation and live action. Sure, it owes its existence to Walt Disney’s stint as a goodwill ambassador to South America during WWII, with all the cultural baggage that implies. But

The original Pinocchio way down at #38 with some of the slop that was placed ahead of it is certainly...something.

I wonder how much this problem is exacerbated by streaming. The filmmakers may not entirely understand how their work will be displayed by every single service, and the problem will be compounded by the differences between streaming devices and monitors.

I enjoyed the show, especially from the second season onward, when the plot really started to cook. It may have fallen out of the zeitgeist so quickly because of the cloud surrounding Warren Ellis. If I recall correctly, the accusations against him reached critical mass between the third and fourth seasons.