
If the report is true, this is such a bizarre time to start being messing around with the DCEU now as it is starting to hit a stride. Especially since those successes are built on allowing the movies have those distinct styles and to build their own worlds.

You’re not wrong.

I loved the comics. The show has been okay. But it’s cool that the show runners are choosing to validate a performer who has given the show its best moments instead of asking for some kind of legacy drag for the sake of continuity.

Anyone involved in the Oscars could have watched the melodrama at the Hugo Awards (even though it ultimately had relatively little impact) and predicted that a popular category, judged on Twitter, would have a big problem with vote brigading.

Do we know whether Larry Fessenden is contributing to the script for this new game

Part of me wonders if FromSoft (or the localization team) knew exactly what they were doing. After years of terrible “but hole” jokes, they must know a thing or two about what will get the player-base riled up. 

I probably come from the perspective of an adult who approaches trying to help a teen from the approach of making an effort to try to understand them before I offer anything remotely resembling actual assistance. That’s because I remember what being an arrogant teen was like. They will always think they know more than

When a kid screams as you, an adult “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND” and you seem as dismissive as you are - I hate to say this - but I think you really don’t.

I’m on the fence about this article: I agree with the defense of “casual” players, but the defense of gacha games misses the point. We probably all know people who have a healthy relationship to those games, who enjoy building characters and use the micro-transactions as an occasional treat for themselves. But the

Why is Kanye dressed as the Riddler in that picture?

This story seems to combine two of my least favorite cultural patterns:

If you’ve ever wanted to play a Chinese fantasy game with imagery that you don’t typically see in games inspired by medieval Europe or mythological Greece, then Warm Snow, available on Steam, is a great place to start.

I dunno about “every white person doesn’t play properly understand how to respect cultural background, even if that background is their own.”

I’m sorry, but I have no idea what this is supposed to mean: if something is subjective, it is, by definition, not an objective truth. Yes, westerners will never understand the emotional impact of colonialism in the east, but that has nothing to do with studying the effects of colonialism, or learning the culture, the

In role-playing games with predominantly white players, even with the most intricately built worlds there is still a lack of connection between the cultures they play in and the way they play their characters. The characters (and people playing them) are untouched by the world in which they exist, with most of their

I don’t know what it is, whether its the compositing or color grading, but something makes this look cheap for some reason, it doesn’t feel like a big budget show, instead feels like one of those old direct to video type things like forward unto dawn, etc...

There is another factor here: those animations are a big part of how players get to know characters. In the long stretches of gameplay between the scripted scenes, body language is everything. So would it make sense for Alloy to suddenly have a different gait?

I imagine Microsoft has been waiting to buy either ea or activision for a while just looking for the opportune moment and the bludgeoning their stock price took motivated both sides to come to a deal quickly.

The conspiratorial part of my brain now wonders whether Microsoft was fanning the flames of the Activision controversy to bring the price into their range and create a narrative for their massive reorganization of the publisher. It’s just as possible that they are simply taking advantage of the disarray to advance

Didn’t Carpenter play some role in making FEAR 3? I thought his relationship with games wasn’t only as a player.