
Why is Kanye dressed as the Riddler in that picture?

...serial killer take on the Riddler....

“There were some nights around that I probably didn’t sleep as well as I would’ve wanted to,” Dano told Entertainment Weekly. Channeling the Riddler is something that took a lot of energy, according to him, and as such, “It was a little hard to come down from this almost have to sustain it once you’re

“Riddle me this, Batman. Does he look like a bitch?”

Prometheus is not cosmic horror. It’s gothic horror. And gothic horror is all about humans and what it means to be human. It’s not about horrors from the vastness of space, it’s about the dark passions of humanity.

I forget who said it, but someone pointed out that Prometheus was Lovecraft and Covenant was Mary Shelley. Which makes me wonder: who would be the touchstone for a third prequel?

Cameron is weird because I think deep down he’s a gender essentialist (even his spaceships have boobs) but Aliens is practically an infomercial for elective families, positioning the raging fecundity of the Queen and her hive against the ad hoc familial arrangement of Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and Bishop. I wonder if his

This all sounds right to me. Don’t get me wrong: I like Aliens a lot more than Alien. But Ridley Scott’s imagery is much more original and suggestive, even if it’s there more to cultivate an atmosphere than to deliver a world with the practical coherence of harder SF directors.

I mean jeez, let’s look at The Last Duel. Not a terrible movie overall, kind of 6/10 but whatever, but the dialogue, holy jesus the dialogue and even the delivery of the dialogue (by actors who I KNOW can act, and do great when they’re not saying things). Awful. Terrible. I rewatched Avatar (god help me) around the

This story seems to combine two of my least favorite cultural patterns:

Why? I think it’s a flawed film, though I liked it a lot better the last time I rewatched it. It does fit in with the sort of Lovecraftian cosmic horror that the original movie hinted at. (I never liked the fact that Cameron just saw the Aliens as bugs.)

I hope the show doesn’t rely on the Prometheus canon. If so, I’ll pass on watching it.

If you’ve ever wanted to play a Chinese fantasy game with imagery that you don’t typically see in games inspired by medieval Europe or mythological Greece, then Warm Snow, available on Steam, is a great place to start.

It feels like the moment has passed. Bioshock: Infinite was almost a decade ago, and it seems clear that the games are done for now. Meanwhile, the world is potentially interesting, but it was specifically catered to the kind of scavenging that the game served up. The collapse of a libertarian dystopia seems uniquely

Well, except the Lemire run does a fantastic job of having him process his trauma to a reasonable degree, to the point where it’s my preferred follow-up to Huston over Ellis. MacKay’s recent run apparently follows in that vein too.

I’m really hoping that the traditional superhero outfit is just something they’re showcasing for the trailers and the bespoke suit is the final iteration of Moon Knight’s look for the MCU. I love the Moench/Sienkiewicz run, but the Ellis/Shalvey revival is one of my favorite mainstream comics of all time, and captures

Yeah, the cards made the characters and their powers and histories comprehensible in a way, say, a random Chris Claremont issue was not. ‘91 - ‘92 was when I got into X-Men and Marvel and honestly, I think I enjoyed reading ABOUT the comics more than I enjoyed reading the actual comics.

I seriously doubt the CARDS got kids hooked on comics. More like the CARTOON did that, a few randoms might see them at the store and beg parental units for them, but it was mostly the comic collectors of the time, with “investors” thinking these were going to blow up like baseball cards. LOLz

I dunno about “every white person doesn’t play properly understand how to respect cultural background, even if that background is their own.”

I’m sorry, but I have no idea what this is supposed to mean: if something is subjective, it is, by definition, not an objective truth. Yes, westerners will never understand the emotional impact of colonialism in the east, but that has nothing to do with studying the effects of colonialism, or learning the culture, the