
It seems fitting that Abrams foreground his tribute to Fisher as the sequel moves into production, but I also like the way that he includes a kind word for Rian Johhson and George Lucas. Abrams benefited from the return-to-form narrative after the prequels, so it’s classy of him to signal that he does not want praise

This is not the article I was expecting. It seems totally reasonable for Robin to say “fuck Batman” as he establishes his independence, especially if he is also murdering random goons. (There are already plenty of theories. I guess we will have to wait and see whether that sequence is a daydream, a demonic possession,

I was thinking about this second film. The plot picks up after Paul changes his name. Messiah was basically from the same breath as Dune and the last 3/4 of the novel as a first and Messiah as rest of the film would be better than splitting Dune in two.

I agree about Solaris but not Children of Men. Children of Men was a tight book. There are so many anecdotes that do not contribute to the main story but do make the world more real in Dune. I just have to fundamentally disagree that Dune can even be packed into 3 hours, much less by a visual poet like Villaneuve.

I always thought it was weird that they made Yellow the first main opponent to the Green Lanterns back with Sinesteo and his Qwardian antimatter ring.

An 11 year old can be readily forgiven for not knowing the the greatest Western of all time is the Sergio Leone/Ennio Morricone masterpiece, Once Upon a Time in the West, followed very closely by Unforgiven.

Netflix show in 3... 2... 1...

No, David Lynch didn’t do it. I like him as a director and he did what he could with what he had at the time but it is a terrible adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune.

WW2 has a basic plot used in drama; two opponents Axis and Allies, Axis get early upperhand, Allies slowly regroup, take the fight to the Axis homeland and boom, destroy the Death Star(s). Bad guys lose, good guys win and get the girl.

It won’t be exposition crazy, it’ll be the opposite: 10 minute shots lingering on sand swept vistas, ruminative glances, meaningful silences at a time, all gorgeously shot and full of symbolism for art school students to decipher.

The optimal literacy source for single movie adaptation (i.e. just enough plot/content to fill 2-3 hours without cutting) is actually a short story or a novella. (good example, The Shawshank Redemption).

dudeperson, dune is massive. dense. one movie would blooooow and o wait

Actually my point was that I addressing the actual people in charge. King is not one of the actual people in charge so I was never addressing him to begin with meaning I could hardly giving him a disservice.

You can cover the plot of World War II in a single film and The Bible in one verse...but it doesn’t do the source material justice (just ask the average American about The Eastern Front and the average Christian about what Jesus really said).

For what it’s worth, David Lynch managed to cover the whole novel with time to spare for avant garde interludes and (of course) strange pockets of dead air in the dialogue that sound like B-movie cheese in one moment and dreamy surrealism in the next. Unless Villeneuve goes absolutely exposition-crazy in his version,

There operative words there being “within the bounds set by Lee and Didio.”

It’s tragic how some of the most mediocre imaginations are in charge of the most imaginative characters.

I bought #50 (and #51) because it was on my pull list and I didn’t want to screw over my shop. But I haven’t read it, and I don’t know if I’m ever going to, because I actually don’t want to see Batman be miserable all the time.

To be fair (I guess?), if it weren’t for crazy over-paranoid puzzle solvers, we wouldn’t have awesome stories like the Binding of Isaac ARG hunt, or the hunt for Frog Fractions 2. Those two hunts in particular still blow my mind.

I can’t decide whether the eyes are different. My visceral response has not changed: still somewhere between intrigued and creeped out, which isn’t a terrible place to be with a sci-fi movie.