Crybaby Boobie

What’s hilarious is to think that once upon a time the switch to Discus unleashed a round of hysteria seen only when dogs and cats sleep together.  Anyone who said “eh, it could be worse” was Internet-beaten into silence.  (they were right)

So many others dumped site because of tantrum about Kinja. They all migrated to, which basically giant untethered comment section with occasional piece of pretty-good pop culture-related writing. Dikachu is in fact OK — he founded that site, and then took step back, but me follow him on Twitter, and

Seriously. Haven’t seen MSG spike like this since Panda Express went national.

It kills me that I love this team as much as I do. It hurts even more that I dragged my kids into this mess as well, when the Yankees were RIGHT THERE for them to pick. My son is 10, and takes every one of these losses just as bad, if not worse, than I do. His first words off the school bus yesterday were “Did they

For the tl;dr crowd, let me sum this up for you... LOLMets.

It’s really not that terrifying. Some disturbing parts, and quiet scenes along with creepy sounds have you tensed up a couple of times, but I really don’t agree with this review at all. Good acting, but the plot couldn’t keep the tension going for me.

I feel like I’m the only one who’s not absolutely in love with this movie, and it’s driving me nuts, and making me feel like a big stupid “you just don’t get movies” man.

I loved the acting, loved the visuals, and loved the overall cinematography, but felt like the movie dragged through a majority of the last half. I

I very much wanted to like this movie, but I left feeling completely indifferent to the whole experience. I’m completely baffled as to what everyone else watched that’s leaving them heaping praise on it. I didn’t think it was scary, or even very tense. I usually love A24 horror flicks, and I’m in the cold on this one,

No, it’s pretty awesome—Kirk travels back in time and his mom falls in love with him instead of George, and he has to correct the timeline and get back to the future before it’s too late. There’s a great scene where Spock sneaks into George’s bedroom and, since his species cannot lie, accurately identifies himself as

Neal Stephenson? Not at all the kind of author I’d expect Clancy Brown to namedrop in an interview!

I’m halfway hoping it loops around and becomes season 3 of Frisky Dingo

Imagine my surprise when the Marvel movies pronounced Thanos as “Than-os”. I’ve been saying “Thane-os” since the 80s.

Yeah, no, Jenny Slate’s pronunciation is fine.

the forest hermit: 5 stars

Next week Nancy and Sluggo eat Tide Pods.

No, you’re mistaking that for the Clydesdale report.

I read that the same way. It also appeared that Rennhull was taking a shot at killing them both since Elizabeth’s head was right over his. But she did move away at exactly the right time, so maybe she did pull the trigger.


Not just Luke, but Han as well. TFA throws both heroes under the bus. Han is a joke, a sad old man who is arguably a worse smuggler than he ever was as a young man, someone who not only abandoned his duties, but his family as well. Ugh, fuck TFA.

We all know that Matthew Brock owns the rights to Fibber McGee and Molly