Crybaby Boobie

I am inspired to make art by American Andrea Askowitz. I will take a white piece of paper (symbolizing this essay) and on it I will place a white tissue (symbolizing white tears) and on that I will lay a dollop of nonfat yogurt (for her grocery run) and on that a sprinkle of salt (for all her lies) and on the

You’re dead, Starling.”

I am not being chosen for, Howard. I AM the chooser! A guy comes to court and gets screwed and you think that of me? I am the one who screws! 

The parallel between last season’s final scene between Jimmy and Kim and this season’s final scene between them is brilliant. Last season the look of dawning horror was that Saul Goodman was not an act, but a deep, vital part of who Jimmy is. And now it’s Jimmy sitting there with dawning horror that Kim has now become

I think it was more this: You got your money and we’ve given you a plausible story — that should be enough.

Did anyone else notice the skateboarders in the background when Jimmy gets out of Mike’s car? He’s a long way from the first episode of the series.

Also, Nacho’s AMX may be the most beautiful vehicle I’ve ever seen. I adore my ‘80 Firebird but it doesn’t compare.

IIRC, Jimmy was 100% blaming himself for Chuck’s death until Howard came along and told Jimmy that he, Howard, blamed HIMSELF for it. In that moment it was like a lightswitch, Jimmy fully adopted that narrative: Howard is to blame (though he halfheartedly “comforted” Howard in the moment). And in this episode, he

Santiago Chili is a completely separate Madrigal restaurant, unaffiliated with Los Pollos Hermanos.

Watching him eat the curly fries was some high quality callback, verging on fan service.  

Honestly, the actress who played Kim’s mom looked so much like her that at first I thought it WAS Kim. For a moment, I thought we were getting a flash-forward showing Kim, years later, as an alcoholic mom and it made my hair stand up on end.

The actress playing Kim’s mom uncannily sounded JUST like her! Looked like her too.

Has the A. V. Club drifted so far away from its Mr. Show-loving roots that it fails to even point out a Jay Johnston cameo? Are the commenters so lost that it falls to a schnook like me, stuck in the grays of Kinja, to point it out? Good Lord, what have we become?

The Mets aren’t bad the same way the Jets are bad. They play the long game.

Everyone’s eyes will naturally be drawn to the colonial-seeming fellow sliding into the background of Saturday’s postgame scrum for Mets pitcher Jason Vargas.

I’m also Mets/Giants.  Why would you be anything else?

This is true, and as a Mets / Giants outlier I find it appalling 

Also great to have Donna’s amazing reviews back.

Oh, thank God. My ego is very fragile. (As evidenced by the fact that I replied to the comment in the first place.)

That’s just the grief talking, right? RIGHT, EVERYBODY?!