Crybaby Boobie

“As great as those Spider-Man movies could be, they never showed the same dank, freaky, euphoric spark that Raimi had when he made Darkman.”

I always thought Blade doesn’t get the credit it deserves because the movie isn’t very comic book-y and is more of a 90s action/horror movie. It doesn’t help the Blade is a minor comic character, though that fact actually helped get the movie made.

100% agreed. I was in love with Batman 1989 when I was a kid, but as an adult, it hasn’t aged well at all. It’s stiff, strangely airless and dull, and to me, the Prince songs are uniformly terrible and ill fit for the film.

Great write-up, with one exception: How in the world do you talk about this movie without mentioning Danny Elfman’s score? With the obvious exception of Superman, this might be the most iconic superhero film score ever.

Why is Christopher Priest treated like a footnote, here? Hudlin’s work on Black Panther wouldn’t have been possible without Priest’s groundbreaking stint on the character? Treating Priest this way is unforgivable.

My thought - and I could be wrong - was that all the characters are still in the afterlife, and this is a simulation, so all the languages/accents are still corrected like they were throughout the first two seasons. Michael and the Judge didn’t actually bring them back to life (right?) and go back in time/change the

It’s also got the fantastic “General Zod, would you care to step outside?” line.

Williams was so on fire in the 70s that he wrote 2 Superman themes, couldn’t pick one, and bolted them together, and they are both as good of a classic Wagner-style theme as anyone has ever written.

A few years ago, I rewatched this film for the first time in about two decades. It gave me a new appreciation for Christopher Reeve, because to me, he’s the only actor who has ever convincingly peformed the “secret identity” trick. His voice tone, body language, posture, movements, and speech rhythm are completely

Stuhlbarg should have won Best Actor for A Serious Man.

The tech prevented the mother from gaining the skills to have that conversation. Instead, she parented by remote control.

They had me years ago, but they kept me at “Cleavage to Beaver.”

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.

I spat my drink out when Abbi looked and saw the clown instead of the hot couple.

Good review but it does not answer a crucial question: How many times does Bob Odenkirk yell “GOD DAMMIT!”? If the answer is fewer than 1, this should be lowered a full grade.

One thing I loved about the Seinfeld Reunion season was that the reunion episode they were writing/reading/filming felt very real and fully thought out. It wasn’t just like “here are some fake lines for this fake show,” there were like 20-something minutes of legit material.

Tom’s writing is so shiny! So chrome! While Kinja AV Club has become MEDIOCRE.

If you don’t know the names of the people who ring you up at the bodega on a near daily basis, you’re kind of a shitty person

This is the equivalent of trading in a 16 year old Toyota pick-up truck for a previously returned Power Wheels Jeep from Toys R Us.

It did, but all those kids died in 2006.