Crybaby Boobie

On the plus side, at least he’ll be gone before it gets REALLY bad.

But still no Nth Man, the Ultimate Ninja.

This is one of those “glass half full/empty” situations, because when I check my phone every morning, I dread to see which country/person/social group he’s insulted that no one will care about and give him another pass.


The Martin bot orders a pizza from the Domino’s robot delivery service. Artificial life goes on.

Robopizzaboy: “Pizza delivery for I.C. Weiner. Databases indicate no such individual lives at this residence. Abort delivery”

Even better, it was a singing telegram.

“Sons of bitches! BOLSHEVIKS!”

I’m going to recommend this, just to help confuse your ratio.

They clearly aren’t, otherwise we woudn’t have the Vegas Golden Knights.

Well, when it ends up destroying a lot of our fossil fuel infrastructure, that will probably lead to using less. So it’s lose-win!

In addition to the what you mentioned, William Hurt is a much, MUCH more boring Thunderbolt Ross than Sam Elliott.

Probably because Tom Cruise bought the rights for himself.

Tebow is more likely to get stigmata.

I will watch it if there’s a role for Uncle Tim Gunn.

With adblock on, this place looks like a polar bear in a snowstorm during a pro-trump rally.

I recommended your post, what happens now??????

You’re a Kinja-fly now.

Ok, it worked but I couldn't get my login method screen to work right unless I went in via firefox. Anyway, I've saved my account. But I don't feel like posting anything there anyway. Back to the politics forum!

Ok, it worked but I couldn't get my login method screen to work right unless I went in via firefox. Anyway, I've saved my account. But I don't feel like posting anything there anyway. Back to the politics forum!